XC pain 008.001.02 DebitTransfer


Code Name Definition
82 Non-pre authorised Direct Debit Transaction is related to a direct debit that is not pre-authorised (Einzugsermächtigung).
83 Pre authorised Direct Debit Transaction is related to a direct debit that is pre-authorised (Abbuchungsauftrag).
DDT Direct Debits Transaction is related to direct debits.
RDD Returned Direct Debits Transaction is related to returned direct debits.
CHN Truncated Checks Transaction is related to truncated checks.

Conversion of physical instrument to electronic form for transmission to the paying bank and where the original paper document does not continue in the clearing process. The original instrument rules are retained throughout the life of the instrument.

CARD Card Clearing Transaction is related to card clearing.
05 Non-pre authorised Direct Debit Transaction is related to a direct debit that is not pre-authorised (Einzugsermächtigung).
04 Pre authorised Direct Debit Transaction is related to a direct debit that is pr- authorised (Abbuchungsauftrag).
58 Business-to-business Direct Debit Transaction is related to a business-to-business direct debit (CSB58).
19 Business-to-customer Direct Debit Transaction is related to a business-to-customer direct debit (CSB19).
85 Pre-authorised Direct Debit Accéléré (Accelerated clearing / 2 Day) Ordinaire (Normal clearing / 4 Day) Transaction is related to an urgent direct debit that is pre-authorised (Avis de Prélèvement accéléré).
08 Pre-authorised Direct Debit Ordinaire (Normal clearing / 4 Day) Transaction is related to a direct debit that is pre-authorised (Avis de Prélèvement).
89 Pre-authorised Direct Debit Vérifié (Verified clearing) Transaction is related to an urgent direct debit that is pre-authorised (Avis de Prélèvement vérifié).
RIBA Non-pre authorised direct debit Transaction is related to a non-pre-authorised collection (RIBA).
RIDO Pre authorised revocable Direct Debit Transaction is related to a direct debit that is pre-authorised and revocable (RID Ordinario).

Pre authorised revocable

urgent Direct Debit

Transaction is related to an urgent directdebit that is pre-authorised and revocable (RID Veloce).
NLGOV Direct debit initiated by the government with special conditions Transaction is related to direct debit scheme owned by the NVB
0221 One-off Authorisation Transaction is related to one-off authorisation.
0224 One-off Authorisation Charities Transaction is related to one-off authorisation charities.
0226 One-off Authorisation Construction Industry Transaction is related to one-off authorisation construction industry.
0225 One-off Authorisation Tuition Fees Transaction is related to one-off authorisation tuition fees.
0222 Standing Authorisation Companies Transaction is related to standing authorisation companies.
0227 Standing Authorisation Companies Without Debtor Revocation Right Transaction is related to standing authorisation companies without debtor revocation right.
0220 Standing Authorisation General Transaction is related to standing authorisation general.
0223 Standing Authorisation Lotteries Transaction is related to standing authorisation lotteries.
0001 Converted (Bank) Payment Transaction is related to converted (bank) payment.

Conversion of physical instrument to electronic form for transmission to the paying bank and where the original paper document does not continue in the clearing process.The instrument rules change upon conversion.

CCI Cash Concentration Intragroup Transaction is related to an intra-group bank initiated cash management payment.
ARC Accounts Receivable Check Transaction is related to accounts receivable check.
WEB Internet Initiated Entry Transaction is related to internet initiated entry.
POP Point-Of-Purchase Transaction is related to point-of-purchase.
POS Point-Of-Sale Transaction is related to point-of-sale.
TEL Telephone Initiated Entry Transaction is related to telephone initiated entry.


Code Name Definition
BKTR Book Transaction Payment is through internal book transfer.
NUGP Non-urgent Priority Payment Payment must be executed as a non-urgent transaction with priority settlement.
NURG Non-urgent Payment Payment must be executed as a non-urgent transaction, which is typically identified as an ACH or low value transaction.
PRPT EBAPriorityService Transaction must be processed according to the EBA Priority Service.
SDVA SameDayValue Payment must be executed with same day value to the creditor.
SEPA SingleEuroPaymentsArea Payment must be executed following the Single Euro Payments Area scheme.
URGP Urgent Payment Payment must be executed as an urgent transaction cleared through a real-time gross settlement system, which is typically identified as a wire or high-value transaction.
URNS Urgent Payment Net Settlement Payment must be executed as an urgent transaction cleared through a real-time net settlement system, which is typically identified as a wire or high-value transaction.


Code Classification Definition
BONU BonusPayment Transaction is the payment of a bonus.
CASH CashManagementTransfer Transaction is a general cash management instruction.
CBLK Card Bulk Clearing A Service that is settling money for a bulk of card transactions, while referring to a specific transaction file or other information like terminal ID, card acceptor ID, or other transaction details.
CCRD Credit Card Payment Transaction is related to a payment of credit card.
CORT TradeSettlementPayment Transaction is related to settlement of a trade, for example, a foreign exchange deal or a securities transaction.
DCRD Debit Card Payment Transaction is related to a payment of debit card.
DIVI Dividend Transaction is the payment of dividends.
DVPM DeliverAgainstPayment Code used to pre-advise the account servicer of a forthcoming deliver against payment instruction.
EPAY Epayment Transaction is related to ePayment.
FCOL Fee Collection A Service that is settling card transaction–related fees between two parties.
GOVT GovernmentPayment Transaction is a payment to or from a government department.
HEDG Hedging Transaction is related to the payment of a hedging operation.
ICCP Irrevocable Credit Card Payment Transaction is reimbursement of credit card payment.
IDCP Irrevocable Debit Card Payment Transaction is reimbursement of debit card payment.
INTC IntraCompanyPayment Transaction is an intra-company payment, that is, a payment between two companies belonging to the same group.
INTE Interest Transaction is the payment of interest.
LOAN Loan Transaction is related to the transfer of a loan to a borrower.
OTHR OtherPayment Other payment purpose.
PENS PensionPayment Transaction is the payment of pension.
RVPM ReceiveAgainstPayment Code used to pre-advise the account servicer of a forthcoming receive against payment instruction.
SALA SalaryPayment Transaction is the payment of salaries.
SECU Securities Transaction is the payment of securities.
SSBE SocialSecurityBenefit Transaction is a social security benefit, that is, payment made by a government to support individuals.
SUPP SupplierPayment Transaction is related to a payment to a supplier.
TAXS TaxPayment Transaction is the payment of taxes.
TRAD Trade Transaction is related to the payment of a trade finance transaction.
TREA TreasuryPayment Transaction is related to treasury operations, for example, financial contract settlement.
VATX ValueAddedTaxPayment Transaction is the payment of value added tax.
WHLD WithHolding Transaction is the payment of withholding tax.


Code Name Definition Country Bank Identifier [CharacterType] {Length}
ATBLZ Austrian Bankleitzahl Bank Branch code used in Austria Austria [0-9]{5,5}
AUBSB Australian Bank State Branch Code (BSB) Bank Branch code used in Australia Australia [0-9]{6,6}
CACPA Canadian Payments Association Payment Routing Number Bank Branch code used in Canada Canada [0-9]{9,9}
CHBCC Swiss Financial Institution Identification (short) Financial Institution Identification (IID) used in Switzerland, without check digit Switzerland [0-9]{3,5}
CHSIC Swiss Financial Institution Identification (long) Financial Institution Identification (IID) used in Switzerland, including check digit Switzerland [0-9]{6,6}
CNAPS CNAPS Identifier Bank Branch code used in China China [0-9]{12,12}
DEBLZ German Bankleitzahl Bank Branch code used in Germany Germany [0-9]{8,8}
ESNCC Spanish Domestic Interbanking Code Bank Branch code used in Spain Spain [0-9]{8,9}
GBDSC UK Domestic Sort Code Bank Branch code used in the UK UK [0-9]{6,6}
GRBIC Helenic Bank Identification Code Bank Branch code used in Greece Greece [0-9]{7,7}
HKNCC Hong Kong Bank Code Bank Branch code used in Hong Kong Hong Kong [0-9]{3,3}
IENCC Irish National Clearing Code Bank Branch code used in Ireland Ireland [0-9]{6,6}
INFSC Indian Financial System Code Bank Branch code used in India India [a-zA-Z0-9]{11,11}
ITNCC Italian Domestic Identification Code Bank Branch code used in Italy Italy [0-9]{10,10}
JPZGN Japan Zengin Clearing Code Bank Branch code used in Japan Japan [0-9]{7,7}
NZNCC New Zealand National Clearing Code Bank Branch code used in New Zealand New Zealand [0-9]{6,6}
PLKNR Polish National Clearing Code Bank Branch code used in Poland Poland [0-9]{8,8}
PTNCC Portuguese National Clearing Code Bank Branch code used in Portugal Portugal [0-9]{8,8}
RUCBC Russian Central Bank Identification Code Bank Branch code used in Russia Russia [0-9]{9,9}
SESBA Sweden Bankgiro Clearing Code Bank Branch code used in Sweden Sweden [0-9]{4,4}
SGIBG IBG Sort Code Bank Branch code used in Singapore Singapore [0-9]{7,7} or [0-9]{3,4}
THCBC Thai Central Bank Identification Code Bank Identification code used in Thailand Thailand [0-9]{3,3}
TWNCC Financial Institution Code Bank Branch code used in Taiwan Taiwan [0-9]{7,7}
USABA United States Routing Number (Fedwire, NACHA) Routing Transit number assigned by the ABA for US financial institutions US [0-9]{9,9}
USPID CHIPS Participant Identifier Bank identifier used by CHIPs in the US US [0-9]{4,4}
ZANCC South African National Clearing Code Bank Branch code used in South Africa South Africa [0-9]{6,6}


Input Name Description
AUTH Pre Authorised File File has been pre-authorised or approved within.
FDET File Level Authorisation Detail File requires additional file level approval.
FSUM File Level Authorisation Summary File requires additional file level approval.
ILEV Instruction Level Authorisation File requires all customer transactions to be authorised or approved.


Code Name
BKDF Bank Loan Delayed Draw Funding
BKFE Bank Loan Fees
BKFM Bank Loan Funding Memo
BKIP Bank Loan Accrued Interest Payment
BKPP Bank Loan Principal Paydown
CBLK Card Bulk Clearing
CDCB CardPayment with CashBack
CDCD CashDisbursement
CDCS Cash Disbursement with Surcharging
CDDP Card Deferred Payment
CDOC OriginalCredit
CDQC QuasiCash
ETUP E-Purse Top Up
FCOL Fee Collection
MTUP Mobile Top Up
ACCT AccountManagement
CASH CashManagementTransfer
COLL CollectionPayment
CSDB CashDisbursement
DEPT Deposit
INTC IntraCompanyPayment
LIMA LiquidityManagement
NETT Netting
BFWD Bond Forward
CCIR Cross Currency IRS
CCPC CCP Cleared Initial Margin
CCPM CCP Cleared Variation Margin
CCSM CCP Cleared Initial Margin Segregated Cash
CRDS Credit DefaultSwap
CRPR Cross Product
CRSP Credit Support
CRTL Credit Line
EQPT Equity Option
EQUS Equity Swap
EXPT Exotic Option
EXTD Exchange Traded Derivatives
FIXI Fixed Income
FWBC Forward Broker Owned Cash Collateral
FWCC Forward Client Owned Cash Collateral
FWSB Forward Broker Owned Cash Collateral Segregated
FWSC Forward Client Owned Segregated Cash Collateral
MARG Daily margin on listed derivatives
MBSB MBS Broker Owned Cash Collateral
MBSC MBS Client Owned Cash Collateral
MGCC Futures Initial Margin
MGSC Futures Initial Margin Client Owned Segregated Cash Collateral
OCCC Client owned OCC pledged collateral
OPBC OTC Option Broker owned Cash collateral
OPCC OTC Option Client owned Cash collateral
OPSB OTC Option Broker Owned Segregated Cash Collateral
OPSC OTC Option Client Owned Cash Segregated Cash Collateral
OPTN FX Option
OTCD OTC Derivatives
REPO Repurchase Agreement
RPBC Bi-lateral repo broker owned collateral
RPCC Repo client owned collateral
RPSB Bi-lateral repo broker owned segregated cash collateral
RPSC Bi-lateral Repo client owned segregated cash collateral
RVPO Reverse Repurchase Agreement
SBSC Securities Buy Sell Sell Buy Back
SCIE Single Currency IRS Exotic
SCIR Single Currency IRS
SCRP Securities Cross Products
SHBC Broker owned collateral Short Sale
SHCC Client owned collateral Short Sale
SHSL Short Sell
SLEB Securities Lending And Borrowing
SLOA SecuredLoan
SWBC Swap Broker owned cash collateral
SWCC Swap Client owned cash collateral
SWPT Swaption
SWSB Swaps Broker Owned Segregated Cash Collateral
SWSC Swaps Client Owned Segregated Cash Collateral
TBAS To Be Announced
TBBC TBA Broker owned cash collateral
TBCC TBA Client owned cash collateral
TRCP Treasury Cross Product
AGRT AgriculturalTransfer
AREN Accounts Receivables Entry
BEXP BusinessExpenses
BOCE Back Office Conversion Entry
COMC CommercialPayment
CPYR Copyright
GDDS PurchaseSaleOfGoods
GDSV PurchaseSaleOfGoodsAndServices
GSCB PurchaseSaleOfGoodsAndServicesWithCashBack
LICF LicenseFee
POPE Point of Purchase Entry
ROYA Royalties
SCVE PurchaseSaleOfServices
SUBS Subscription
SUPP SupplierPayment
TRAD TradeServices
CHAR CharityPayment
COMT ConsumerThirdPartyConsolidatedPayment
ECPG GuaranteedEPayment
ECPR EPaymentReturn
ECPU NonGuaranteedEPayment
EPAY Epayment
CLPR CarLoanPrincipalRepayment
DBTC DebitCollectionPayment
GOVI GovernmentInsurance
HLRP HousingLoanRepayment
INPC InsurancePremiumCar
INSU InsurancePremium
INTE Interest
LBRI LaborInsurance
LIFI LifeInsurance
LOAR LoanRepayment
PENO PaymentBasedOnEnforcementOrder
PPTI PropertyInsurance
RINP RecurringInstallmentPayment
TRFD TrustFund
FORW Forward Foreign Exchange
FXNT Foreign Exchange Related Netting
ADMG AdministrativeManagement
ADVA AdvancePayment
BCDM BearerChequeDomestic
BCFG BearerChequeForeign
BLDM BuildingMaintenance
BNET Bond Forward Netting
CBFF CapitalBuilding
CBFR CapitalBuildingRetirement
CCRD CreditCardPayment
CDBL CreditCardBill
CFEE CancellationFee
CGDD CardGeneratedDirectDebit
CORT Trade Settlement Payment
COST Costs
CPKC Carpark Charges
DCRD Debit Card Payment
DSMT Printed Order Disbursement
DVPM Deliver Against Payment
EDUC Education
FACT Factor Update related payment
FAND FinancialAidInCaseOfNaturalDisaster
FCPM Late Payment of Fees & Charges
GOVT GovernmentPayment
ICCP IrrevocableCreditCardPayment
IDCP IrrevocableDebitCardPayment
IHRP InstalmentHirePurchaseAgreement
INSM Installment
IVPT Invoice Payment
MCDM MultiCurrenyChequeDomestic
MCFG MultiCurrenyChequeForeign
MSVC MultipleServiceTypes
NOWS NotOtherwiseSpecified
OCDM OrderChequeDomestic
OCFG OrderChequeForeign
OFEE OpeningFee
OTHR Other
PADD Preauthorized debit
PTSP PaymentTerms
RCKE Re-presented Check Entry
RCPT ReceiptPayment
REBT Rebate
REFU Refund
RIMB Reimbursement of a previous erroneous transaction
RPNT Bi-lateral repo internet netting
RRBN Round Robin
RVPM Receive Against Payment
SLPI PaymentSlipInstruction
SPLT Split payments
STDY Study
TBAN TBA pair-off netting
TBIL Telecommunications Bill
TCSC Town Council Service Charges
TELI Telephone-Initiated Transaction
TMPG TMPG claim payment
TPRI Tri Party Repo Interest
TPRP Tri-party Repo netting
TRNC TruncatedPaymentSlip
TRVC TravellerCheque
WEBI Internet-Initiated Transaction
ANNI Annuity
CAFI Custodian Management fee In-house
CFDI Capital falling due In-house
CMDT CommodityTransfer
DERI Derivatives
DIVD Dividend
FREX ForeignExchange
HEDG Hedging
INVS Investment & Securities
PRME PreciousMetal
SAVG Savings
SECU Securities
SEPI Securities Purchase In-house
TREA TreasuryPayment
FNET Futures Netting Payment
FUTR Futures
ANTS AnesthesiaServices
CVCF ConvalescentCareFacility
DMEQ DurableMedicaleEquipment
DNTS DentalServices
HLTC HomeHealthCare
HLTI HealthInsurance
HSPC HospitalCare
ICRF IntermediateCareFacility
LTCF LongTermCareFacility
MDCS MedicalServices
VIEW VisionCare
CDEP Credit default event payment
SWFP Swap contract final payment
SWPP Swap contract partial payment
SWRS Swap contract reset payment
SWUF Swap contract upfront payment
ADCS AdvisoryDonationCopyrightServices
AEMP ActiveEmploymentPolicy
ALLW Allowance
ALMY AlimonyPayment
BBSC Baby Bonus Scheme
BECH ChildBenefit
BENE UnemploymentDisabilityBenefit
BONU BonusPayment.
CCHD Cash compensation, Helplessness, Disability
COMM Commission
CSLP CompanySocialLoanPaymentToBank
GFRP GuaranteeFundRightsPayment
GVEA Austrian Government Employees Category A
GVEB Austrian Government Employees Category B
GVEC Austrian Government Employees Category C
GVED Austrian Government Employees Category D
GWLT GovermentWarLegislationTransfer
HREC Housing Related Contribution
PAYR Payroll
PENS PensionPayment
PRCP PricePayment
RHBS RehabilitationSupport
SALA SalaryPayment
SSBE SocialSecurityBenefit
LBIN Lending Buy-In Netting
LCOL Lending Cash Collateral Free Movement
LFEE Lending Fees
LMEQ Lending Equity marked-to-market cash collateral
LMFI Lending Fixed Income marked-to-market cash collateral
LMRK Lending unspecified type of marked-to-market cash collateral
LREB Lending rebate payments
LREV Lending Revenue Payments
LSFL Lending Claim Payment
ESTX EstateTax
FWLV Foreign Worker Levy
GSTX Goods & Services Tax
HSTX HousingTax
INTX IncomeTax
NITX NetIncomeTax
PTXP Property Tax
RDTX Road Tax
TAXS TaxPayment
VATX ValueAddedTaxPayment
WHLD WithHolding
TAXR TaxRefund
B112 Trailer Fee Payment
BR12 Trailer Fee Rebate
TLRF Non-US mutual fund trailer fee payment
TLRR Non-US mutual fund trailer fee rebate payment
FERB Ferry
RLWY Railway
TRPT RoadPricing
CBTV CableTVBill
ELEC ElectricityBill
ENRG Energies
GASB GasBill
NWCH NetworkCharge
NWCM NetworkCommunication
OTLC OtherTelecomRelatedBill
PHON TelephoneBill
UBIL Utilities
WTER WaterBill