BKDF | Bank Loan Delayed Draw Funding |
BKFE | Bank Loan Fees |
BKFM | Bank Loan Funding Memo |
BKIP | Bank Loan Accrued Interest Payment |
BKPP | Bank Loan Principal Paydown |
CBLK | Card Bulk Clearing |
CDCB | CardPayment with CashBack |
CDCD | CashDisbursement |
CDCS | Cash Disbursement with Surcharging |
CDDP | Card Deferred Payment |
CDOC | OriginalCredit |
CDQC | QuasiCash |
ETUP | E-Purse Top Up |
FCOL | Fee Collection |
MTUP | Mobile Top Up |
ACCT | AccountManagement |
CASH | CashManagementTransfer |
COLL | CollectionPayment |
CSDB | CashDisbursement |
DEPT | Deposit |
INTC | IntraCompanyPayment |
LIMA | LiquidityManagement |
NETT | Netting |
BFWD | Bond Forward |
CCIR | Cross Currency IRS |
CCPC | CCP Cleared Initial Margin |
CCPM | CCP Cleared Variation Margin |
CCSM | CCP Cleared Initial Margin Segregated Cash |
CRDS | Credit DefaultSwap |
CRPR | Cross Product |
CRSP | Credit Support |
CRTL | Credit Line |
EQPT | Equity Option |
EQUS | Equity Swap |
EXPT | Exotic Option |
EXTD | Exchange Traded Derivatives |
FIXI | Fixed Income |
FWBC | Forward Broker Owned Cash Collateral |
FWCC | Forward Client Owned Cash Collateral |
FWSB | Forward Broker Owned Cash Collateral Segregated |
FWSC | Forward Client Owned Segregated Cash Collateral |
MARG | Daily margin on listed derivatives |
MBSB | MBS Broker Owned Cash Collateral |
MBSC | MBS Client Owned Cash Collateral |
MGCC | Futures Initial Margin |
MGSC | Futures Initial Margin Client Owned Segregated Cash Collateral |
OCCC | Client owned OCC pledged collateral |
OPBC | OTC Option Broker owned Cash collateral |
OPCC | OTC Option Client owned Cash collateral |
OPSB | OTC Option Broker Owned Segregated Cash Collateral |
OPSC | OTC Option Client Owned Cash Segregated Cash Collateral |
OPTN | FX Option |
OTCD | OTC Derivatives |
REPO | Repurchase Agreement |
RPBC | Bi-lateral repo broker owned collateral |
RPCC | Repo client owned collateral |
RPSB | Bi-lateral repo broker owned segregated cash collateral |
RPSC | Bi-lateral Repo client owned segregated cash collateral |
RVPO | Reverse Repurchase Agreement |
SBSC | Securities Buy Sell Sell Buy Back |
SCIE | Single Currency IRS Exotic |
SCIR | Single Currency IRS |
SCRP | Securities Cross Products |
SHBC | Broker owned collateral Short Sale |
SHCC | Client owned collateral Short Sale |
SHSL | Short Sell |
SLEB | Securities Lending And Borrowing |
SLOA | SecuredLoan |
SWBC | Swap Broker owned cash collateral |
SWCC | Swap Client owned cash collateral |
SWPT | Swaption |
SWSB | Swaps Broker Owned Segregated Cash Collateral |
SWSC | Swaps Client Owned Segregated Cash Collateral |
TBAS | To Be Announced |
TBBC | TBA Broker owned cash collateral |
TBCC | TBA Client owned cash collateral |
TRCP | Treasury Cross Product |
AGRT | AgriculturalTransfer |
AREN | Accounts Receivables Entry |
BEXP | BusinessExpenses |
BOCE | Back Office Conversion Entry |
COMC | CommercialPayment |
CPYR | Copyright |
GDDS | PurchaseSaleOfGoods |
GDSV | PurchaseSaleOfGoodsAndServices |
GSCB | PurchaseSaleOfGoodsAndServicesWithCashBack |
LICF | LicenseFee |
POPE | Point of Purchase Entry |
ROYA | Royalties |
SCVE | PurchaseSaleOfServices |
SUBS | Subscription |
SUPP | SupplierPayment |
TRAD | TradeServices |
CHAR | CharityPayment |
COMT | ConsumerThirdPartyConsolidatedPayment |
ECPG | GuaranteedEPayment |
ECPR | EPaymentReturn |
ECPU | NonGuaranteedEPayment |
EPAY | Epayment |
CLPR | CarLoanPrincipalRepayment |
DBTC | DebitCollectionPayment |
GOVI | GovernmentInsurance |
HLRP | HousingLoanRepayment |
INPC | InsurancePremiumCar |
INSU | InsurancePremium |
INTE | Interest |
LBRI | LaborInsurance |
LIFI | LifeInsurance |
LOAN | Loan |
LOAR | LoanRepayment |
PENO | PaymentBasedOnEnforcementOrder |
PPTI | PropertyInsurance |
RINP | RecurringInstallmentPayment |
TRFD | TrustFund |
FORW | Forward Foreign Exchange |
FXNT | Foreign Exchange Related Netting |
ADMG | AdministrativeManagement |
ADVA | AdvancePayment |
BCDM | BearerChequeDomestic |
BCFG | BearerChequeForeign |
BLDM | BuildingMaintenance |
BNET | Bond Forward Netting |
CBFF | CapitalBuilding |
CBFR | CapitalBuildingRetirement |
CCRD | CreditCardPayment |
CDBL | CreditCardBill |
CFEE | CancellationFee |
CGDD | CardGeneratedDirectDebit |
CORT | Trade Settlement Payment |
COST | Costs |
CPKC | Carpark Charges |
DCRD | Debit Card Payment |
DSMT | Printed Order Disbursement |
DVPM | Deliver Against Payment |
EDUC | Education |
FACT | Factor Update related payment |
FAND | FinancialAidInCaseOfNaturalDisaster |
FCPM | Late Payment of Fees & Charges |
FEES | Fees |
GOVT | GovernmentPayment |
ICCP | IrrevocableCreditCardPayment |
IDCP | IrrevocableDebitCardPayment |
IHRP | InstalmentHirePurchaseAgreement |
INSM | Installment |
IVPT | Invoice Payment |
MCDM | MultiCurrenyChequeDomestic |
MCFG | MultiCurrenyChequeForeign |
MSVC | MultipleServiceTypes |
NOWS | NotOtherwiseSpecified |
OCDM | OrderChequeDomestic |
OCFG | OrderChequeForeign |
OFEE | OpeningFee |
OTHR | Other |
PADD | Preauthorized debit |
PTSP | PaymentTerms |
RCKE | Re-presented Check Entry |
RCPT | ReceiptPayment |
REBT | Rebate |
REFU | Refund |
RENT | Rent |
RIMB | Reimbursement of a previous erroneous transaction |
RPNT | Bi-lateral repo internet netting |
RRBN | Round Robin |
RVPM | Receive Against Payment |
SLPI | PaymentSlipInstruction |
SPLT | Split payments |
STDY | Study |
TBAN | TBA pair-off netting |
TBIL | Telecommunications Bill |
TCSC | Town Council Service Charges |
TELI | Telephone-Initiated Transaction |
TMPG | TMPG claim payment |
TPRI | Tri Party Repo Interest |
TPRP | Tri-party Repo netting |
TRNC | TruncatedPaymentSlip |
TRVC | TravellerCheque |
WEBI | Internet-Initiated Transaction |
ANNI | Annuity |
CAFI | Custodian Management fee In-house |
CFDI | Capital falling due In-house |
CMDT | CommodityTransfer |
DERI | Derivatives |
DIVD | Dividend |
FREX | ForeignExchange |
HEDG | Hedging |
INVS | Investment & Securities |
PRME | PreciousMetal |
SAVG | Savings |
SECU | Securities |
SEPI | Securities Purchase In-house |
TREA | TreasuryPayment |
FNET | Futures Netting Payment |
FUTR | Futures |
ANTS | AnesthesiaServices |
CVCF | ConvalescentCareFacility |
DMEQ | DurableMedicaleEquipment |
DNTS | DentalServices |
HLTC | HomeHealthCare |
HLTI | HealthInsurance |
HSPC | HospitalCare |
ICRF | IntermediateCareFacility |
LTCF | LongTermCareFacility |
MDCS | MedicalServices |
VIEW | VisionCare |
CDEP | Credit default event payment |
SWFP | Swap contract final payment |
SWPP | Swap contract partial payment |
SWRS | Swap contract reset payment |
SWUF | Swap contract upfront payment |
ADCS | AdvisoryDonationCopyrightServices |
AEMP | ActiveEmploymentPolicy |
ALLW | Allowance |
ALMY | AlimonyPayment |
BBSC | Baby Bonus Scheme |
BECH | ChildBenefit |
BENE | UnemploymentDisabilityBenefit |
BONU | BonusPayment |
CCHD | Cash compensation, Helplessness, Disability |
COMM | Commission |
CSLP | CompanySocialLoanPaymentToBank |
GFRP | GuaranteeFundRightsPayment |
GVEA | Austrian Government Employees Category A |
GVEB | Austrian Government Employees Category B |
GVEC | Austrian Government Employees Category C |
GVED | Austrian Government Employees Category D |
GWLT | GovermentWarLegislationTransfer |
HREC | Housing Related Contribution |
PAYR | Payroll |
PENS | PensionPayment |
PRCP | PricePayment |
RHBS | RehabilitationSupport |
SALA | SalaryPayment |
SSBE | SocialSecurityBenefit |
LBIN | Lending Buy-In Netting |
LCOL | Lending Cash Collateral Free Movement |
LFEE | Lending Fees |
LMEQ | Lending Equity marked-to-market cash collateral |
LMFI | Lending Fixed Income marked- to-market cash collateral |
LMRK | Lending unspecified type of marked-to-market cash collateral |
LREB | Lending rebate payments |
LREV | Lending Revenue Payments |
LSFL | Lending Claim Payment |
ESTX | EstateTax |
FWLV | Foreign Worker Levy |
GSTX | Goods & Services Tax |
HSTX | HousingTax |
INTX | IncomeTax |
NITX | NetIncomeTax |
PTXP | Property Tax |
RDTX | Road Tax |
TAXS | TaxPayment |
VATX | ValueAddedTaxPayment |
WHLD | WithHolding |
TAXR | TaxRefund |
B112 | Trailer Fee Payment |
BR12 | Trailer Fee Rebate |
TLRF | Non-US mutual fund trailer fee payment |
TLRR | Non-US mutual fund trailer fee rebate payment |
AIRB | Air |
BUSB | Bus |
FERB | Ferry |
RLWY | Railway |
TRPT | RoadPricing |
CBTV | CableTVBill |
ELEC | ElectricityBill |
ENRG | Energies |
GASB | GasBill |
NWCH | NetworkCharge |
NWCM | NetworkCommunication |
OTLC | OtherTelecomRelatedBill |
PHON | TelephoneBill |
UBIL | Utilities |
WTER | WaterBill |