
eInvoicing/Tax Reporting

  • Process BODs are now automatically generated when the status is manually changed.
    Note: If Mexican invoices are set to Registered, then the UUID details will be sent to your ERP, provided that the CFDI XML has been uploaded in SAT Reporting.
  • You can now set up customer endpoints on a new form in Settings called Customer Endpoint Maintenance. If no endpoints have been set on the BOD and Accounting Entity Identifiers, the message generation will use this form to retrieve endpoints.
    Note: This is only for PEPPOL Access Invoices.


On occasion, you can have orphaned events running in the background. These are events that are no longer linked to the processing of specific document.

You may now clean up background orphaned events by removing them from background tasks using a new form called Event Action Purge Utility. A total number of orphaned events is shown by selecting this option, allowing you to evaluate if a purge is required.