Reporting Entity

In some services, data across several accounting entities can be consolidated into a single set of reports. The accounting entity producing the consolidated reports is known as the Parent Accounting Entity (AE) and the accounting entities being reported at parent level are known as the Child Accounting Entity (AE).

The parent AE is a fictional value as it does not relate to an accounting entity in your ERP. It exists purely to be able to generate reports over more than one accounting entity.

All transactional BODs are published at the child level. These entities need to be set-up first so that they can be assigned to the parent.
Note: The same tax identification, accounting chart and financial calendar must be specified on all accounting entities.

Specify the child accounting entities if the accounting entity you are creating would produce a consolidated report of accounting entities with the same tax IDs.

Refer to the Country configurations Overview sections to see if a particular service supports reporting entities.

Note: Setting up Reporting Entities disables some functionality in the child accounting entities.