System Setup

The System Setup options hold information that allows LSP to process the format of the data coming from your ERP. Some of these must be set up or checked as they play a vital role in the way LSP holds its data and generate its output. Refer to your ERP's documentation for more details.
Form Usage
Address Mapping This form enables Address values concatenation per Customer, and Supplier & Company information. Use this form when the address form in LSPmust differ from the address held in your ERP. If you modify an address, all supported BODs will be shredded according to the new mapping.
Beginning Balance Period Assignment Use this form to manually add, delete, and update the beginning balance calendar period set up per year. This enables LSP to calculate the opening balance period for the year. This must be maintained if a new year is set up in LSP, either through BOD or Financial Calendar Maintenance.
Balance Computation Setup Use this form to select the source of Customer & Supplier balance computation. This must be set for situations where the supplier or customer balances are required. Refer to the ERP documentation for more details.
Financial Calendar Maintenance Use this form to manually set up the Financial Calendar of year and period. After this has been maintained manually, it is no longer possible to send the FinancialCalendar BODs as they will be ignored.

For the initial setup, you must enter your Financial Calendar Accounting Entity and Calendar Code in this form. Then assign the new calendar code to your AE in Accounting Entity Maintenance. Return to the Financial Calendar Maintenance form to manually specify the Year and Period before clicking Next. You can select and save the start date of your calendar year in the Financial Calendar Maintenance window.

Fiscal Period Setup Use this form to enable manual Fiscal Period Setup. The Period Number either comes from the BOD or is derived by LSP. If you set this value to derived when your transaction BODs are processed, LSP will use the transaction date to look up the financial calendar to find the period into which the transaction date falls instead of taking it from the BOD. Refer to your ERP documentation for more details.
Protocol Number Setup Use this form to enable manual Protocol Number Setup. The value comes from the BOD or is derived by LSP. Refer to your ERP documentation for more details.
Chile Proof Number (NumComp) This form displays the last number used in Proof Number.
Italy ID Startpoint Maintenance You can use this form to designate the startpoint ID for the first file to be generated in Italy SDI Reporting.
Output Generation Default You can use this form to automatically generate messages upon BOD arrival. See Automatic message generation.
Spain Ticket BAI Registration This form shows the details used to register in Ticket BAI.
Standard Code Translation Maintenance Use this form to add new standard codes in the translation forms that are not yet part of the product.