Detection example for Localization Services Banking

You must detect on the combination of BICID + Currency before you detect on BICID only (without Currency). Each deliverable initially contains a simple detection, such as AccountingEntity and ForwardingPartyBICID. You must expand this value to enable more rules:

Accounting Entity is ABC and Bank ID is XYZ for a Swedish bank.

In this table, Rule 1 is always met. Therefore, all payments, regardless of whether that is the right or wrong file to create, are Euro payments.
Rule AccountingEntity(Condition 1) ForwardingPartyBICID (Condition 2) Proprietary message (Action)
1 ABC XYZ Euro payments
2 ABC XYZ Non-Euro local payments
3 ABC XYZ Non-Euro currency payments

To ensure that all three messages are produced for the correct circumstance, Currency must be part of the decision-making criteria:

Rule Accounting Entity (Condition 1) Forwarding (Condition 2) Currency (Condition 3) Propriety message (Action)
1 ABC XYZ Euro Euro Payments
2 ABC XYZ Swedish Kroner Non-Euro local payments
3 ABC XYZ Non-Euro currency payments

If a dollar payment is for Accounting Entity ABC and Bank XYZ is made, then Rules 1 and 2 fail and Rule 3 is applied. Thus, a Non-Euro currency payment file is created.