Setting up the detection values

You must set up the detection values in the workflow. This information is used to decide which routing is taken and which proprietary message is created. The detection workflow receives BOD data and runs through a series of rules before returning the format name of the file to create to the document flow. This information is used to validate and transform the BOD data into the correct format.

Each deliverable has a default detection but this might not be appropriate to your deployment of the message. Therefore, you must perform these steps:
  1. Decide which element or combination of elements must be used.
  2. Process the correct document flow.
  3. Populate these values in the decision table to match BOD values against a format name.

The list of elements that can be used for detection can be found in the Parameters to Check drop-down list in the workflow. These elements create the Conditions in the workflow in a hierarchy so that the appropriate Action is taken, for example, the correct message is created. Each detection entry forms a Rule.

Detection works in a hierarchy, so the order that you list the rules are important. First, you must detect more specific criteria. If nothing is found, use more generic criteria.

Each deliverable initially contains a simple detection. You can change this value to detect on a given Accounting Entity, Bank ID, or Report Type, but the level of granularity that you require may not be given by default. Therefore, you must expand this value to enable more rules. See the detection examples.

When you have decided the detection values for your messages, you can:
  1. Locate the relevant workflow, LCL_<Region>*Detection*<BODnoun>.
    Note: The sub process Set values is owned by Infor and should not be changed.
  2. In the Decision Table > Format Decision field, specify the format according to your detection rules.
    Note: There is initially one line per action, for example, proprietary message format. This line can be increased to accommodate all the rules.
  3. In the Conditions field, specify the condition and ensure that each proprietary message is invoked under the correct circumstances. For example, specify AccountingEntity and ForwardPartyBICID to trigger the correct action, or specify Currency to differentiate between local and foreign payments.
    Note: If multiple occurrences are found in the data, use the first occurrence of the element in the detection processing.

    The order that the rules are stated is important as the processing works through the table until a match has been found. Therefore, specific rules must come before the generic rules. If none of the criteria is met, then the No detection node is triggered.