

LSP Webservices Gateway now supports TicketBAI solution.

Non-Stock Maintenance form

Export UOM and Conversion Factor fields are now available.

These fields might be required in a country where the UOM on the invoice is not the UOM required in any export documentation. In this case, a rough calculation is required.

Use the Export UOM to specify the unit of measure used in the Export (or a second document).

Use the Conversion Factor to specify the conversion factor between the UOM on the invoice line and the UOM in the export document.

For example if the invoice is in EA (piece) and the export requires KG (kilogram), the quantity is multiplied by the conversion factor and then the unit price is divided by the conversion factor.


The Document List in AR Customer Receipt routine inquiries has been replaced by individual reports:
  • List of All Payables
  • List of All Receivables
The Document List in Withholding Tax Reports routine inquiries has been replaced by individual reports:
  • List of All Sales Invoices
  • List of All Purchase Invoices
  • List of All Payables
  • List of All Receivables