Invoice Translation Maintenance

Depending on the Output Type selected, the following translations are supported:

Option Notes
AR Country Codes This holds a list of pre-defined country codes.

For example: 101 - BURKINA FASO, 102 - ARGELIA

Currency Code For example: 000 - OTH, 02 - USD, 003 - FRF
Document Type For example: 1 - CI Buenos Aires, 0 - CI Policía Federal, 30 - Certificado de Migración
Export Type For example: 1 - Permanent export of goods, Services, Products and Services
Tax Code For example: 1 - Untaxed, 2 - Exempt, 3 - Zero
Tax Jurisdiction Code For example: 01 - National Taxes, 02 - Provincial Sales Tax, 03 - Municipal Taxes
Type of Voucher For example: 002 - Debit Notes A, 003 - Credit Notes A, 006 - Invoices B
Unit of Measure For example: 1 - Kilogram, 10 - Carat, 17 - Kilometer