Generating output files

  1. From the LSP Home page, select the Accounting Entity name from the list.
  2. Select the service type then click NEW REPORT.
  3. On Parameters, specify the required parameters for your selected Accounting Entity and service.
    Specify this information:
    Output File

    Select the type of output file.

    Date Range

    Select Daily, Monthly, or Yearly.

    • If you select Daily, specify the start date and end date by using the date picker, or specify the dates manually.
    • If you select Monthly, specify the period start date and period end date.
    • If you select Yearly, specify the financial year.
    Note: Parameters vary per service. For some services, you must specify additional parameters. See additional information in the chapter pertaining to your service.
    For eTransport, the Key Value Preview shows the total number of Transport documents for submission. You can select the key values to see the list of documents, and you can select each document to show the details. The system includes only those that fall within these criteria:
    • The Transport documents Issued date is within the date range selected.
    • The Transport documents have not yet been registered.
  4. Verify the Key Value Preview information against your SOR:
    1. Click the value of an available key value, for example, invoices.
    2. Optionally, on Key Values Summary, click Export.
      Note: Use the spreadsheet file to verify the records.
    3. Click the Close icon.
    For eTransport, follow these additional steps:
    1. Select from the list of Shipment ID and click the link to see details of the items related to the transport document.
    2. Optionally, on Key Values Details Summary, click Export.
    3. Click the Close icon.
    An output file or a collection of output files is generated. The status of the output file varies per service.
  6. On the service page, click REFRESH.