Trade Statistics Reporting

EU Sales Listing

Proprietary format Reference Code list
ELMA5 2010 DE_ZM_ELMA5_EUSales
ZM BZSt 2010 DE_ZM_BZSt_EUSales

The Zusammenfassenden Meldung (ZM) report must be transmitted electronically to BZSt (FederalTax Office) Service of Saarlouis through the online tax portal, Elsteronline. However, entrepreneurs who have high data volume should use ELMA5, a communication method developed for the transmission of high data volume.

VAT EU Intrastat

Proprietary format Reference Code list
INSTAT Schema: 6.3.1

Rulebook: 2022-01 (v2021-07)


Intrastat reports are submitted to IDEV, an internet-based data collection system of the German Statistical Office. Reports can be submitted online by uploading an XML file (INSTAT).