Installing multiple instances of Localization cryptography service

  1. Open the LocalizationCryptographyService.exe.config file.
  2. Specify this information:
    Specify a descriptive name according to its use. For example, Localization Cryptography Service.
    Specify a port number. For example, http://localhost:8082.
  3. Right-click install.ps1 and select Run with Powershell.
  4. Open services.msc.
  5. Select the name of the service and start the service.
    Note: To switch from one instance to another, you must update the port number in the database:

    UPDATE LCS_LST_APP_Parameters

    SET Value = 'http://localhost:{​​​​​​​​newport}​​​​​​​​/'

    WHERE Value = 'http://localhost:8691/'

    UPDATE LCS_SMD_DAR_TenantParameter

    SET Value = 'http://localhost:{​​​​​​​​newport}​​​​​​​​/'

    WHERE Value = 'http://localhost:8691/'
    Note: Replace the value in {newport} with your port number.