Default codes

Default codes are used for each document type that will be used in the output files. The mandatory fields accept only the values that are provided by the tax authorities. Ensure that these codes are properly set up to prevent validation errors.

This table shows the valid output values for each field:

Field Description
Invoice Type Select the type of Invoice. You must set the default type that is appropriate to a CreditMemo or DebitMemo.

If the document that you will register is an Invoice, the output file will automatically be set to F1 by default. If not, select the default type from the list.

Corrective Invoice Select the corrective type. Correctives are CreditMemo or DebitMemo documents that have an assigned Invoice type that begins with an R.

For substitution: If you select this code, all credit memo documents that are created must supply an original document. The message must include all details, such as the date and amount of the original document.

For differences: If you select the code I, the original document details are not required.

Transaction Type Select the type of transaction. If the Invoice is for a customer that is based outside Spain, the output message will default to 02 for Exports. If the Supplier Invoice is for a Supplier outside Spain, the output message will be set to 09 by default.

In all other cases, the output message will use the Reason code of the Invoice, if applicable (if number is in appropriate range). If not, the output message will fall back to the default values in the list.

Reasons for Exemption Select the exemption reason.
Note: The specified code is the default code if the exemption type that is sent into the database for each tax record is not in this list.