Configure ION API Suite and Methods in LSP

  1. Access the LSP application in Ming.le.
  2. Select a PEPPOL subscription.
  3. In the accordion, click Settings > Service and Admin Settings.
  4. Under Subscription Preference, select PEPPOL Access Point Setup and click Launch.
  5. In the PEPPOL Access Point Setup (Main) form, select ON API Setup in the Choose Setup list and click Launch.
  6. In the ION API Setup form, click ION API Setup.
  7. In the ION API Servers form, click Suites.
    Note: To add a new ION API Suite, right-click anywhere on the form and click New.
  8. In the ION API Suites form, specify this information:
    Specify the suite name. For example, PEPPOL Access Point
    Specify a description for the ION API suite.
    The value must be CustomerAPI/ concatenated with the API Context on the API suite as defined in ION API. Unless anything was updated or changed on the API Suite in the ION API, the complete value should be CustomerApi/PEPPOL/.
    Note: Ensure to end the context with a forward slash.
  9. Right-click anywhere on the form and select Save.
  10. Click Methods to configure the ION API methods needed.
  11. In the ION API Methods form, create these methods:
    Name Description Path HTTP Method
    PEPPOL Message Message POST
    PEPPOL Status get Status GetStatus POST
  12. Right-click anywhere on the form and select Save.
  13. Close the form.
  14. Return to the ION API Setup form.
  15. Select the server URL from the first drop-down list and the created ION API suite from the second drop-down list. Click Add Setup.
    The setup is added to the table.
  16. Select the added row and click Set To Active.
  17. Close the ION API Setup form.