Import and configure ION API Suite for PEPPOL

The PEPPOL eInvoicing solution uses the ION API to communicate to the Access Point Providers (APP) web service.

  1. Open the Infor ION API application in Infor Ming.le.
  2. Import the PEPPOL Access Point connector suite, which is classified as a non-Infor suite.
  3. After import, perform these tasks:
    1. Access the Available APIs and open the PEPPOL Access Point APIs suite.
    2. On Message Endpoint, click Details.
    3. Specify this information:
      Target Endpoint URL
      Copy-paste the Babelway post URL gateway.
      Proxy Security
      Select OAuth 2.0 from the drop-down list.
      Target Endpoint Security
      On Authentication Type, select Basic from drop-down list.
      User ID
      Specify the Babelway HTTP Server Username.
      Specify the Babelway HTTP Server Password.
    4. Click Save.
    5. Navigate to PEPPOL Access Point.
    6. On GetStatus Endpoint, click Details.
    7. Specify this information:
      Target Endpoint URL
      Specify the <Hub-Id> in URL “<Hub-ID>/message.xml”
      Proxy Security
      Select OAuth 2.0 from the drop-down list.
      Target Endpoint Security
      Disable “Use Mutual SSL”.
      User ID
      Specify the Babelway HTTP Server Username.
      Specify the Babelway HTTP Server Password.
    8. Click Save.
    9. Navigate to PEPPOL Access Point.
    10. Click Save.