Import and configure ION API Suite

  1. Open the Infor ION API application in Infor Ming.le.
  2. Import the Hungary Tax connector suite, which is classified as a non-Infor suite.
    Note: To update the suite context, you must upload the same suite twice and the second suite would require a context update.
    If you are using one ION API instance for different accounting entities, you must update the suite context to these:
    • AccountingEntityID_TST - for test
    • AccountingEntityID_PRD - for production
    If you are using one ION API instance for your test and production suites, you must update the suite context to these:
    • <defaultcontext>_TST - for test
    • <defaultcontext>_PRD - for production

    You can use the default context if you are using different ION API instances for your test and production suites.