Supplier Claim Totals

The Supplier Claim Totals widget displays claim totals of suppliers either by the Cost Type or the Origins. By default, the data is displayed for the current month.
Note: Add the Top Claims widget, subsequently, you must configure the widget using the Configure Widget screen to view the supplier claim totals based on the Cost Type or Origins. See Configuring the Supplier Claim Totals widget

When the widget is configured for the Origins, the column chart represents the approved and claimed total amounts. You can specify the status of the claims, in the Configure Widget screen, based on which the data is displayed in the widget. The claims with the status Rejected can be excluded from the widget using the Hide Rejected Claims option.

When the widget is configured for the Cost Type, the grouped column chart represents the approved total amount of the claim lines for the selected Origins which are grouped for the selected Cost Type. You can specify the origins and cost types, in the Configure Widget screen, based on which the data is displayed in the widget.

You can rest the pointer on the graph to view the amount in the local currency..

Click datepickerleft or datapickerright to navigate to the previous and next month of an year.