Planned vs Actual Revenues
The Planned vs Actual Revenue widget is used to view the actual and planned revenue
details for the selected company, project office, project manager, project, period start date,
and end dates.
The filters are set based on the business requirement to view the details related to Planned vs Actual revenue and of the Project. The widget provides the details related to the expected commercial value of the project compared to Actual revenue values. The graphical representation is based on the Planned and Actual revenue for a selected period. The data displayed in the graph is available in the Performance Measurement session based on the EVM (tppss0702m000) session of Infor LN.
On the widget, you can:
- Rest the pointer on the graphical representation to view the exact values.
- View the configuration details.
- At the initial load, the default Project from Project User Profiles needs to be considered to show the graph.
- If no default project is assigned in Project User Profiles, the Widget will be empty at the initial Load.
- Once a project has been selected in the Project field of Selection, the Planned vs. Actual Revenue graph should be shown for the selected project.
- Available as part of session Performance Measurement based on EVM (tppss0702m000).
- The default Period Start Date and Period End Date are the Project Start Date and Project Finish Date. If anyone of them is empty, these fields can be filled in by the user using Configuration.
- Based on the Project Start Date and
Project End Date, the duration can be
calculated. The interval range displays these:
- Months if the project is created less than a year old.
- Quarterly if the project duration is in between one and two years.
- Yearly if the project is grater than two years.