Supplier Contacts

The Supplier Contacts widget displays a list of Buy-from Business Partners and the related contacts. This widget refers to the Supplier 360 (tdsmi1501m000) session in Infor LN.

By default, the widget lists all the business partners based on the Buyer specified in the Purchase User Profiles (tdpur0143m000) session in Infor LN. If the Buyer is not specified in this session, the current user is considered the Buyer. You can also specify the Buyer in the widget settings.

Using the search bar, you can also search a business partner by name.
Note: The contact data is defaulted only if the Buy-from check box in the Purchase Roles tab is selected, in the Contacts by Business Partner Role (tccom4545m000) session.

You can click down arrow to view the details of the contacts associated with a business partner.

The details displayed for each contact include:
  • Name
  • Job Title
  • Primary Phone Number
  • E-mail Address
  • The star icon indicates the primary contact.
  • The do not call icon indicates that the ‘Do Not Call’ check box is selected on the Infor LN, for the primary phone.
  • The integrated application opens if you click on the primary phone number and email address. For example, the Outlook opens to send mail.