
The Monitors widget provides a comprehensive view of the Infor LN service calls.

The monitors widget displays the following records:

  • Emergency calls to process today
  • Emergency calls to process later
  • Assigned calls to process today
  • Assigned calls to process later
  • Incoming Calls to process
  • Bad fixes (%) from the last 7 days

On this widget you can:

  • Set the range corresponding to the color by specifying the Greater than and Less than values for each monitor.
  • Click on each monitor to view the filters set in the LN session.
    Note: All the service calls are retrieved from Calls (tsclm1600m100) session. This widget enables you to review the emergency service call(s) at a given moment in time.
  • Configure the colors and the sequence of the list using the drag icon.
    Note: If the value is zero, the count badge is shown in grey color. If the value is not within the set range, it displays in azure color.
  • View the number of calls with the record name.