Exception Messages
The Exception Messages widget displays the number of cancel, reschedule-in,
reschedule-out, and supply exceptions. This helps the supply chain planner to view the current
status directly.
This widget displays the following record:
- Cancel
- Reschedule-In
- Reschedule-Out
- Transfer Late
- No Supplying Business Partner
- No Supplying Relationship
- Pegging: Supply in late
- No Subcontractor
- Inventory < Safety Plan
The widget retrieves information related to exception messages from the Exception Messages by Planner and Item (cprao1125m000) session in Infor LN.
Each record displays the number of messages with the record name. Colours can be configured, and the sequence in which the list displayed can be changed using the drag icon.
You can set the severity indication range for the exception messages. You can also use the slider to configure the colour and set the range for the messages.
You can click on each record to view the filters set in the Infor LN session.