
The Quotes widget displays the sales quotation lines for which the expiry date is set to a date in the past and for which the expiry date is set to the current date in the Sales Quotes (tdsls8310m000) session.

The widget also displays sales quotation lines that are open. The rounded value of the quotation is displayed at the center of the Donut chart, however, you can rest the pointer on the value to view the actual values. You can also rest the pointer on the arc of the Donut chart to view the number of sales quotation lines and the actual value. The amounts are displayed in the local currency of the Sales Office.

You can click on the description of the Sales Office to view the widget configuration details.

You must select Refresh Data on the Menu icon (configure) to refresh and synchronize data from Infor LN.

In the Legend, you can view the sales quotation lines that are:
  • Open: Represented in Green color.
  • Due Today: Represented in Orange color.
  • Response Late: Represented in Red color.
  • Expiry < 7 Days: Represented in Yellow color.

The number of sales quotation lines represented by each color is also displayed outside the Donut chart.

Click the Donut chart or the Legend to access the Sales Quotes (tdsls8310m000) session and view the data based on the widget settings.

Sales quotation lines are filtered based on either the Internal Sales Representative or the Sales Office, or both. By default, this widget uses Sales Office or Internal Sales Representative details specified in the Sales User Profiles (tdsls0139m000) session.

If the user profile is not maintained at LN, it is required to specify these details in the Widget Configure settings, else an error message is displayed.