Inspection Orders by Status and Origin
The Inspection Orders by Status and Origin widget displays the
summary of inspection orders based on the month or annual status of the order. The data
displayed on the widget is based on the period when order has been created. The widget also
indicates the status of orders such as Sales, Purchase, Production, Material, and Inventory
Inspection. This banner widget is included on the Quality Manager
The widget retrieves information from the Order Inspections (qmptc1120m000) session in Infor LN to calculate the status of the order origin. The widget displays a graphical representation based on the selected period in the Selection window and the status of inspection orders.
On the widget, you can:
- View the Company name.
- View the configuration details.
- Click Company name to view the configuration details of the widget.
- Click Note: A bar chart displays the status of inspection orders for a fiscal year, if the YTD option is selected. A bar chart displays the order status from the selected month to the current month, if the MTD option is selected.
to modify the period.
- Rest the pointer on the graph to view the exact value.
The bar charts are the combined summary of inspection orders and the order status (Free, Active, Completed, Processed) for all orders that are created.