Unprocessed Purchase Invoices

The Unprocessed Purchase Invoices widget is used to view all the purchase invoices that are in-process.

On the initial load, the widget considers all the purchase invoices that are received or registered and the number of purchase invoices are displayed.

The purchase invoices are categorized into:

  • Draft
  • Imported
  • Validated
  • Validation Errors
  • Registered
  • Registration Errors
  • Matched

On the Configure Widget screen, you can modify the default display to view the registered purchase invoices that are excluded from the current period and you can also modify the display to view the total invoiced amounts expressed in local currency. You can retrieve the data by Payables Analyst.

Note: Purchase invoices data for a Payables analyst can be viewed in the Process Payables Workbench (tfacp8350m000) session, in LN.

You can click on the chart for redirecting to the Process Payables Workbench (tfacp8350m000) session, in LN.

You can click the Refresh Data option on the widget settings menu to sync the data from LN.