Employee Availability
The widget displays the hours available, and hours planned. You can search for an employee by the name of the employee.
On the widget, you can:
- View the list of available employees for the selected company.
- The available hours and planned hours of each employee for the selected manager and company.
- View the configuration details.
The Employee Availability widget displays the list of employees for the current user. The widget also displays a horizontal bar chart representing the availability and the planned activities of the employees. The bar represents the planned activities. The coloured section of the bar represents the completed activities. However, you can modify the view to indicate the planned and available hours for the employees.
You can click Sort by to sort the employee list based on the planned and available time of the employees. The possible options are:
- Planned hours (low to high)
- Planned hours (high to low)
- Available hours (low to high)
- Available hours (high to low)
To view the Employee Assignment, you can click on the employee name. The details are arranged and displayed based on the days. You can select a day to view the activities for a specific date. You can delete, modify, and copy the employee record. On the header, click to drill back to the Employee Assignments (tcrac1100m100) session in Infor LN.