Bids Widget
The Bids widget allows the Sales Manager and Internal Sales Representative to view the associated Bids. The widget displays the list and details of the bids.
The widget also displays the Bids that have due date from the current month for the Internal Sales Representative who have logged on to the application. The and are used to navigate to view the bids of past or future months.
You can configure the Sales Office and Internal Sales representative values on
the Configure Widget screen, and Bids information is
retrieved from Infor LN based on the configured values. SeeConfiguring the Bids widget
Note: The Bid data for a specified
Internal Sales Representative and Sales Office is viewed in the Bids (tpest3100m000) session, in LN.
You must select on the Menu () icon to refresh and synchronize data from Infor LN.You can click on the description of the Internal Sales Representative or Sales Office to view the widget configuration.
In the widget, you can
- Specify the Bid name or Business Partner (BP) name on the search bar to find a specific bid.
- Click to sort the bid records. Available options:
- Due Date
- Phase
- Business Partner
- Click or to view the bids of the past and future months.
- Click the specified Internal Sales Representative to view the widget configuration details. or
- Click the Bid record to view the information of the bid in a window. The Details tab displays information such as Bid description, BP name, Phase description, Probability Percentage, and Due Date. The Primary Contact tab displays name, contact number, picture, job title, and email address of the primary contact.
- Click to drill back to the LN session. The Bids (tpest3600m000) session in Infor LN is displayed.
- The warning icon ( ) indicates that the Bids are due and not approved.
- The alert icon ( ) indicates the negative margin of bid.