Supplier Rating

The Supplier Rating widget displays the list of suppliers and the items produced by each supplier. This widget displays the overall rating of each supplier along with rating of supplier products to determine the performance of the supplier of the current period.
Each list item (supplier record) in the supplier rating widget displays supplier code, description, trend information and overall supplier rating score. On the search bar, you can search for a supplier using the supplier code or description. You can click Sort by to sort the list of suppliers in the ascending or descending order based on the rating. Possible values:
Overall Score
These colour codes indicate the score range:
  • Green colour: Indicates the score range between 80-100
  • Yellow colour: Indicates the score ranges between 60-79
  • Red colour: Indicates the score is less than or equal to 59
Trend is calculated based on the rating of the current and previous period as defined in Infor LN.
Note: The Trend is displayed as N.A. (Not Applicable), if the rating is not available for the current period.
These colour codes indicate the Trend:
  • Green colour: Indicates growing trend of the product.
  • Red colour: Indicates the declining trend of the product.

You can click on the required supplier from the list to view item specific information based on objective criteria in a graphical representation. The supplier record window displays the supplier code, description, trend, and overall score of the selected item in the header section. You can click Previous or Next to navigate from different supplier record. You can use search feature to find the details of the items supplied associated with the selected supplier. You can select the item record to view the respective graph. Each item’s Name, Code, Trend indicator, Item Supplier Overall Rating scores are displayed.

The graphical representation of trend and rating of the supplier products are calculated based on the objective criteria specified in the respective LN sessions. Available objective criteria in this widget are:
  • Quality
  • Quantity
  • Delivery as On Time Delivery
  • Price
  • Overall
Note: A line chart is displayed if the YTD or Month option is selected. A bar chart is displayed if the MTD options are selected. Rest the pointer on the graph at a data point to view the overall information.

By default, the widget displays the supplier list based on the Company, Site, Purchase Office and, Buyer data from Purchase User Profiles (tdpur0143m000) session in Infor LN. However, you can use the Configure Widget screen to configure the Company, Site, Purchase Office, and Buyer field to retrieve the specific data.