Configuring Workflow Approval Info widget

To configure the Workflow Approval Info widget:

  1. Click configure and select Configure. The Configure Widget screen is displayed.
  2. Specify this information:
    The company code. This value is retrieved from the LN User Data (ttaad2500m000) session in Infor LN.
    The title of the widget. You can modify the value.
    Workflow Definition
    The workflow definition of the selected company. The list is retrieved from the Deployed Action (ttocm0112m000) session in Infor LN.
    The parameters of the selected workflow definition. The list is retrieved from the Object Types (ttocm0102m000) session in Infor LN.

    You can select multiple Parameters.

    The role of the user. The possible values are:
    • Submit User
    • Buyer

    This field is displayed, only if, the selected Parameters are associated with a buyer.

    Submit User / Buyer
    The User is defined in the User Data (ttaad2500m000) session and the Buyer is defined in the Employees (tccom0501m000) session in Infor LN. To select the Submit User/Buyer, you can specify the first three characters of the User or Employee Code or Name, or Employee Name to retrieve the Employee Codes or Employee Name from the respective sessions.
    • By default, the current user is set as the Submit User. The lookup of Submit Users shows a normal users list in LN.
    • The user is a buyer when the Role is set to Buyer.
    Fetch Approved Instances
    If this check box is selected, the Workflow Instances with status set to Approved are displayed on the widget.
    Submit Date: From
    The date on which the workflow instances have been submitted for approval are displayed on the widget.

    This field is displayed only if the Fetch Approved Instances check box is selected.

    Submit Date: To
    The date up to which the workflow instances have been submitted for approval are displayed on the widget.

    This field is displayed only if the Fetch Approved Instances check box is selected.

  3. Click Save to configure.