Bids Widget
The Bids widget allows the Sales Manager and Internal Sales Representative to view the associated Bids. The widget displays the list and details of the bids.
The widget also displays the Bids that have due date from the current month for the Internal Sales Representative who have logged on to the application. The and are used to navigate to view the bids of past or future months.
- Bid description
- BP Name
- Due date
- Phase description
You can click on a specific Bid line to view information about the Bid description, BP name, Phase description, Probability Percentage, and Due Date. You can also view information about the primary contact details such as name, contact number, picture, job title, and email address.
Click for redirecting to the Bids (tpest3100m000) session, in LN.
Click in the widget settings menu to sync data from Infor LN.
The Bid lines are sorted based on the Due time or Phase, or Business Partner. The list of bids can also be searched based on the Bid description and BP name.