Using Auto Complete

To start Auto Complete on a zoom field, partially fill in the field and then press TAB. If there are matching items, a list with matching items will be displayed. See the following example.


You specify "I" in the Locale field of the Device Data session, and then press TAB. A list of locales starting with "I" is displayed.

Points of attention

  • The Auto Complete list can only show seven entries. If there are more matching items, a More button is displayed at the end of the list. This button triggers the same zoom functionality as the zoom button.

  • An item will match if the primary key (code) of the related table starts with the specified value.
  • If the field has been set up to be able to do a search on description, also the items that have a description starting with the value specified will be shown.
  • The look-up is case insensitive.
  • If more characters are specified in the field the look-up will be narrowed.

    For example: In the Departments field in the Employees session, you specify "0" and then press TAB. The list shows departments starting with "0". Then, you specify "1". The list now shows departments starting with "01".

  • The list shows items that have currently been used (displayed or specified). Therefore, the item does not have to be valid in the current situation on the session.
  • If an item is selected in the list, the value will be selected (copied to the field), if you press TAB, or click on another field.
  • To close the list, press Esc.