This list shows the differences between the DEM Process Viewer in LN UI and the Process Viewer in Web UI:

  • A button was added to the toolbar to toggle the visibility of the icons between 'always visible' or 'visible on hover'. This is also reflected when printing the model.
  • The icons are somewhat changed and positioned differently.
  • Clicking an icon opens the most obvious action on the corresponding activity.
  • In Web UI, if an activity contains a sub process, a drop-shadow is displayed around the activity. In LN UI this shadow is replaced by a zoom (play) button on the right side of the activity.
  • Every (sub) process is opened in its own LN UI window. Therefore the browse buttons (left and right pointing play buttons) are removed from the toolbar.
  • Manual and no-permission activities have an indicator that is always visible.
  • The color that is given to annotations in the Process Modeler is now also displayed in the Process Viewer.
  • More consistent feedback from the User Interface. For example, the cursor changes to show which elements are clickable and which are not.

This list shows the differences between the DEM functionality in LN UI and the DEM functionality in Web UI:

  • External applications cannot be started. This is caused by an HTML5 security restriction.
  • A URL to open an Internet/Intranet site is supported in LN UI. A URL that refers to a UNC or another file based path is not supported.
  • An alert is displayed if the DEM Process Viewer tries to open an invalid location. As a workaround, open the Windows Run Program dialog and copy the content of the alert to this dialog. Then click OK to start the external application or open the external document.