Application panel

When you start an LN session or an Enterprise Modeler process, the session or process is displayed in the application panel.

Session tabs

If you start multiple sessions, only the last session is displayed in the application panel. The other sessions are still open. For each open session, a tab is displayed at the top of the LN page.

To switch to another open session, click the corresponding tab.

To close a session, click the cross icon in the corresponding tab.

Landing page

Administrators can define landing page settings in the user data template and user profile template.

Depending on these settings, your landing page is displayed in one of these ways:

  • A single pane with the tiles of frequently used sessions.
  • One or more lists, such as a list with favorites, a list with bookmarks, and a list with frequently used sessions.

Frequently used sessions can be ordered from most used to least used, or according to how recently the sessions were started. You can change this sort order and other settings in the User Profile Details (uigwt0102s000) session.

If the landing page only shows the tiles of frequently used sessions, you can perform these actions:

  • To restart a session, click the corresponding tile. The session is displayed in the application panel.
  • To remove a tile, hover the mouse pointer over the tile; then click on the cross icon in the top right corner of the tile.

If the landing page contains one or more lists, you can perform these actions:

  • Click an item in a list to start the corresponding session, bookmark, or favorite.
  • Right-click an item in a list and select an action. You can, for example, perform these actions:
    • Open Item: Starts the session, bookmark, or favorite. The item runs in the application panel.
    • Open Item in new Window: Starts the session, bookmark, or favorite in a new window.
    • Locate in menu: The side navigation menu is expanded to show the menu from which the recently used session was started or from which the favorite was created.
    • Delete Item: Delete the item from the list.
    • Delete All Items: Delete all items from the list.
    • Add to Favorites: Add a session to your favorites. The session is displayed in the LN Favorites list.