
Tailoring options are used to add or modify elements in an application, for example, making changes to screen layouts, objects, functions, properties, and default values.
These options are available for customer administrators to tailor standard Infor LN CE components:
  • Add Customer Defined Fields (CDFs)
  • Add (customer defined) fields and logic to existing forms, reports and BODs
  • Add field hooks and table hooks to existing tables

To add CDFs for Infor LN CE, you use the gear icon in the standard LN CE screens. You can add CDFs to tables, screens, reports and BODs, and you can specify validation and calculation logic around CDFs.

See the current editions of these guides:

  • Infor Ming.le-LN Plug-in User Guide (LN UI), for information about how to add and use CDFs.
  • Infor LN Extensions Development Guide, for information about CDFs and extensions.

To add functionality to existing Infor LN CE components, you use the LN Extension Modeler.

You can specify extension points for these components in Infor LN CE:

  • Table
  • Session
  • Report
  • BOD / BDE
  • Menu
  • Process

In the LN Extension Modeler, you can set properties and hooks for those components. The implementation of the extension point for a component is called an extension. With an extension built for an extension point, you change the behavior of a component. For example, by creating an extension for a session, you can add additional fields to that session.

See the Infor LN Extensions Development Guide for information about how to specify extension points and use the LN Extension Modeler.

See the Infor LN Public Interfaces and Process Extensions Reference Guide in KB article 2003722 on the Infor Support Portal for the process extensions that can be implemented.