Percent Complete (hours)

When the Earned Value Method (EVM) is Percent Complete, budget hours are released in proportion to the percentage progress of the project.

  • Planned Value

    Budget (Planned Value) must be equally divided over the time period of activity start and end date.

  • Earned Value

    For Earned Value, actual progress (as specified in Activity Physical Progress in Infor LN) during the period is considered. Actual progress percentage is multiplied with planned value to calculate the earned value.


  • Activity approved Baseline Scheduled Start Date: January 1, 2015
  • Activity approved Baseline Scheduled Start Date: March 21, 2015
  • Budgeted Hours: 10000 hours
  • The EVM is Percentage Complete. So, the budget must be time phased proportionately across the activity duration.
  • Activity Duration: 31 Days (in January) + 28 Days (in February) + 21 Days (in March) = 80 Days
  • Time Phase Budget in Period 1 (January 2015) = 10000 / 80 * 31 = 3875 hours
  • Time Phase Budget in Period 2 (February 2015) = 10000 / 80 * 28 = 3500 hours
  • Time Phase Budget in Period 3 (March 2015) = 10000 / 80 * 21 = 2625 hours

For Earned Value, actual progress (as specified in Activity Physical Progress in Infor LN) during the period is considered. If progress in the month of January is 30%, Earned value in Period1 (January 15) = 10000 * 30/100 = 3000 hours.

If the actual hours posted in January 2015 is 3300 hours:

  • Hours Variance = 3000 – 3300 = -300 hours
  • Schedule Variance = 3000 - 3875 = -875 hours