Quality Order Inspection Origin |
Origin of Inspection:
- Sales
- Purchase
- Production (JSC)
- Material (BOM)
- Routing (TI)
- Sales Schedule
- Purchase Schedule
- Storage Inspection
- Inventory Inspection
- Warehouse Transfer
- Warehouse Transfer (Manual)
- Project
- Project Contract
- EP Distribution
- Production (RPT)
- Routing (RPT)
- Service
- Maintenance Sales
- Batch Repair
- Maintenance Work
- Not Applicable
Quality Order Inspection Origin Sort |
Origin of Inspection:
- Sales - qmptc.orgn.sales
- Purchase - qmptc.orgn.purchase
- Production (JSC) - qmptc.orgn.production
- Material (BOM) - qmptc.orgn.matl.bom
- Routing (TI) - qmptc.orgn.rou.ti
- Sales Schedule - qmptc.orgn.sales.sched
- Purchase Schedule - qmptc.orgn.purchase.sched
- Storage Inspection - qmptc.orgn.cwar.insp
- Inventory Inspection - qmptc.orgn.inv.insp
- Warehouse Transfer - qmptc.orgn.cwar.trans
- Warehouse Transfer (Manual) - qmptc.orgn.cwar.trans.man
- Project - qmptc.orgn.project
- Project Contract - qmptc.orgn.prj,contract
- EP Distribution - qmptc.orgn.enterprise.plan
- Production (RPT) - qmptc.orgn.prod.repetitive
- Routing (RPT) - qmptc.orgn.rou.repetitive
- Service - qmptc.orgn.service
- Maintenance Sales - qmptc.orgn.maint.sales
- Batch Repair - qmptc.orgn.batch.repair
- Maintenance Work - qmptc.orgn.maint.work
- Not Applicable - qmptc.orgn.not.appl
Quality Order Inspection Origin Filter |
Origin of Inspection:
- Sales - 1
- Purchase - 2
- Production (JSC) - 4
- Material (BOM) - 5
- Routing (TI) - 6
- Sales Schedule - 7
- Purchase Schedule - 8
- Storage Inspection - 10
- Inventory Inspection - 11
- Warehouse Transfer - 13
- Warehouse Transfer (Manual) - 20
- Project - 75
- Project Contract - 80
- EP Distribution - 90
- Production (RPT) - 100
- Routing (RPT) - 110
- Service - 120
- Maintenance Sales - 130
- Batch Repair - 140
- Maintenance Work - 150
- Not Applicable - 200
deleted |
1 if deleted in LN, else 0 |