Quality domain information
During an order inspection life cycle, status change information ois captured and stored in BI. ETL includes the status information and the dates for the status changes. In LN, if the status of an order inspection goes back to a previous status, such as from Completed to Active, information of the order inspection record is captured with a calculated column stat_chno. Each time the status goes back to a previous status, the calculated column is increased by one to capture the number of changes.
The Birst Calendar is used for the quality chart and report analysis.
The Aging fact is a trend analysis of the order’s age calculated from the order creation date until the period, by week, month and quarter. Aging buckets are defined by these variables:
- LN_usr_ReportDefaultAgingHoursBucket - buckets of 4 hours with intervals of 4 between the buckets. A fixed number of six buckets is applicable.
- LN_usr_ReportDefaultAgingDaysBucket - buckets of 10 days with intervals of 10 between the buckets. A fixed number of six buckets is applicable.
The variables can be changed during implementation of the solution. See the Infor LN Analytics for Birst Administration Guide.