Defective Parts per Million by Origin
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- Quality Order Inspection Origin
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- Order Inspection Defective Parts per Million by Origin
- Order Inspection Defect Free Percentage Weekly
Order Inspection Defective Parts per Million by Origin
The Order Inspection Defective Parts per Million by Origin chart is used to display the defective item parts per million (average number of defects in an average production run multiplied by one million). The chart is based on the order origin and period type.
PPM (Parts per million) or DPM (Defects per million) is a measurement of overall quality performance. A PPM or DPM of 1 means a defect rate of one in a million or 1/1,000,000.
For example, if 25 pieces were defective in a shipment of 1,000 pieces, then the PPM/DPM would be 25/1000= .025 or 2.5% defective. .025 * 1,000,000 = 25,000 PPM.
Order Inspection Defect Free Percentage Weekly
The Order Inspection - Defective Free Percentage Weekly chart includes these calculations and data:
- No. of defects per week = when Actual Quantity Rejected (qmptc120.arqa\qmptc220.arqa) > 0
- No. of weeks when defects are 0 = when actual Actual Rejected Qty = 0
- X- axis – Years (Birst Calendar)
- Y-axis – % of no. of weeks when defects are 0 / total no. of weeks