This table shows the measures that are mapped to LN table fields or calculated. To identify a cost, this data is considered for measures:
- Billed – when tpppc200.idoc is not empty
- Billable – when tpppc200.blbl = yes
- Cost = Soft\Hard or Actual Cost-based LN calculated field tpppc200.comm.acts
Measure | Mapping | Note |
Actual Cost | tpppc200.amoc when tpppc200.comm.acts = Actuals in the selected Currency Type filter | |
Actual Cost Incl Hard Commitment | tpppc200.amoc when tpppc200.comm.acts = Actuals and Hard in the selected Currency Type filter | |
Actual Cost incl Soft and Hard Commitment | tpppc200.amoc when tpppc200.comm.acts = Actuals and Hard and Soft in the selected Currency Type filter | |
Actual Hours | tpppc200.quan in the base unit time | |
Actual Quantity | tpppc200.quan in the transaction unit | |
Billed | tpppc200.amoc based on the Actual Cost filter and tpppc200.idoc is not empty | |
Billed Actual Cost | tppc200.amoc when tpppc200.comm.acts = Actuals and tpppc200.blbl = yes and tpppc200.idoc is not empty | |
Billed Hard Commitment | tppc200.amoc when tpppc200.comm.acts = Hard and tpppc200.blbl = yes and tpppc200.idoc is not empty | |
Billed Soft Commitment | tppc200.amoc when tpppc200.comm.acts = Soft and tpppc200.blbl = yes and tpppc200.idoc is not empty | |
Cumulative Actual Cost | Actual Cost till current period | Non-Additive Measure |
Cumulative Actual hours | Actual hours till current period | Non-Additive Measure |
Cumulative Actual Quantity | Actual Quantity till current period | Non-Additive Measure |
Hard Commitment | tppc200.amoc when tpppc200.comm.acts = hard | |
Non Billable Actual Cost | tppc200.amoc when tpppc200.comm.acts = Actuals and tpppc200.blbl = no | |
Non Billable Costs | tppc200.amoc and tpppc200.blbl = no | |
Non Billable Hard Commitment | tppc200.amoc when tpppc200.comm.acts = Hard and tpppc200.blbl = no | |
Non Billable Soft Commitment | tppc200.amoc when tpppc200.comm.acts = Soft and tpppc200.blbl = no | |
Project Cost Count | Fact count sourced tpppc200 | |
Soft Commitment | tppc200.amoc when tpppc200.comm.acts = Soft | |
To be billed | tppc200.amoc and tpppc200.blbl = yes and tpppc200.idoc is empty | |
To be billed Actual Cost | tppc200.amoc when tpppc200.comm.acts = Actuals and tpppc200.blbl = yes and tpppc200.idoc is empty | |
To be billed Hard commitment | tppc200.amoc when tpppc200.comm.acts = Hard and tpppc200.blbl = yes and tpppc200.idoc is empty | |
To be billed Soft commitment |
tppc200.amoc when tpppc200.comm.acts = Soft and tpppc200.blbl = yes and tpppc200.idoc is empty | |
Total billable costs | tppc200.amoc tpppc200.blbl = yes and tpppc200.idoc is not empty | |
Total Costs | tppc200.amoc when tpppc200.comm.acts = Soft and tpppc200.blbl = yes and tpppc200.idoc | |
deleted | 1 if deleted in LN, else 0 |