
This table shows the measures that are mapped to LN table fields or calculated. To identify a cost, this data is considered for measures:

  • Billed – when tpppc200.idoc is not empty
  • Billable – when tpppc200.blbl = yes
  • Cost = Soft\Hard or Actual Cost-based LN calculated field tpppc200.comm.acts
Measure Mapping Note
Actual Cost tpppc200.amoc when tpppc200.comm.acts = Actuals in the selected Currency Type filter
Actual Cost Incl Hard Commitment tpppc200.amoc when tpppc200.comm.acts = Actuals and Hard in the selected Currency Type filter
Actual Cost incl Soft and Hard Commitment tpppc200.amoc when tpppc200.comm.acts = Actuals and Hard and Soft in the selected Currency Type filter
Actual Hours tpppc200.quan in the base unit time
Actual Quantity tpppc200.quan in the transaction unit
Billed tpppc200.amoc based on the Actual Cost filter and tpppc200.idoc is not empty
Billed Actual Cost tppc200.amoc when tpppc200.comm.acts = Actuals and tpppc200.blbl = yes and tpppc200.idoc is not empty
Billed Hard Commitment tppc200.amoc when tpppc200.comm.acts = Hard and tpppc200.blbl = yes and tpppc200.idoc is not empty
Billed Soft Commitment tppc200.amoc when tpppc200.comm.acts = Soft and tpppc200.blbl = yes and tpppc200.idoc is not empty
Cumulative Actual Cost Actual Cost till current period Non-Additive Measure
Cumulative Actual hours Actual hours till current period Non-Additive Measure
Cumulative Actual Quantity Actual Quantity till current period Non-Additive Measure
Hard Commitment tppc200.amoc when tpppc200.comm.acts = hard
Non Billable Actual Cost tppc200.amoc when tpppc200.comm.acts = Actuals and tpppc200.blbl = no
Non Billable Costs tppc200.amoc and tpppc200.blbl = no
Non Billable Hard Commitment tppc200.amoc when tpppc200.comm.acts = Hard and tpppc200.blbl = no
Non Billable Soft Commitment tppc200.amoc when tpppc200.comm.acts = Soft and tpppc200.blbl = no
Project Cost Count Fact count sourced tpppc200
Soft Commitment tppc200.amoc when tpppc200.comm.acts = Soft
To be billed tppc200.amoc and tpppc200.blbl = yes and tpppc200.idoc is empty
To be billed Actual Cost tppc200.amoc when tpppc200.comm.acts = Actuals and tpppc200.blbl = yes and tpppc200.idoc is empty
To be billed Hard commitment tppc200.amoc when tpppc200.comm.acts = Hard and tpppc200.blbl = yes and tpppc200.idoc is empty

To be billed Soft commitment

tppc200.amoc when tpppc200.comm.acts = Soft and tpppc200.blbl = yes and tpppc200.idoc is empty
Total billable costs tppc200.amoc tpppc200.blbl = yes and tpppc200.idoc is not empty
Total Costs tppc200.amoc when tpppc200.comm.acts = Soft and tpppc200.blbl = yes and tpppc200.idoc
deleted 1 if deleted in LN, else 0