Project Extension
This table shows the LN table from which fields are retrieved for the dimension:
Table | Description |
tpptc050 | Extension |
This table shows the attribute mapping to LN table fields for the dimension:
Attribute | Mapping |
Ceiling | tpptc050.ceil |
Ceiling Filter | tpptc050.ceil |
Ceiling Sort | tpptc050.ceil |
Company | tpptc050.compnr |
Contract Date | tpptc050.codt |
Cost Control | tpptc050.excc |
Cost Control Filter | tpptc050.excc |
Cost Control Sort | tpptc050.excc |
Extension | tpptc050.cstl |
Extension Address Code | tpptc050.cadc |
Extension Business Sector | tpptc050.csec |
Extension Category | tpptc050.ccat |
Extension Contract Currency | tpptc050.cpcu |
Extension Desc | tpptc050.desc |
Extension Employee | tpptc050.emno |
Extension Expected Sales Currency | tpptc050.escu |
Extension Geographical Area | tpptc050.creg |
Extension Phase | tpptc050.cstg |
Extension Provisional Currency | tpptc050.pacu |
Extension Responsibility | tpptc050.cres |
Extension Status | tpptc050.stls |
Extension Status Filter | tpptc050.stls |
Extension Status Sort | tpptc050.stls |
Extension Type | tpptc050.stlt |
Extension Type Filter | tpptc050.stlt |
Extension Type Sort | tpptc050.stlt |
Financial Company | tpptc050.fcmp |
Finish Time | tpptc050.fidt |
Invoice Calculation Method | tpptc050.stlm |
Invoice Calculation Method Filter | tpptc050.stlm |
Invoice Calculation Method Sort | tpptc050.stlm |
Invoice Document | tpptc050.idoc |
Project | tpptc050.cprj |
Project Surcharges | tpptc050.chic |
Project Surcharges Filter | tpptc050.chic |
Project Surcharges Sort | tpptc050.chic |
Provisional Amount Settled | tpptc050.csst |
Provisional Amount Settled Filter | tpptc050.csst |
Provisional Amount Settled Sort | tpptc050.csst |
Sold-to Business Partner | tpptc050.ofbp |
Start Time | tpptc050.stdt |
Transaction Type | tpptc050.ityp |
Transferred to Invoicing | tpptc050.trsl |
Transferred to Invoicing Filter | tpptc050.trsl |
Transferred to Invoicing Sort | tpptc050.trsl |
Unknown | 1 for null records, else 0 |
deleted | 1 if deleted in LN, else 0 |
Customer Defined Fields | Standard list of fields |