Project Earned Value Version Measures

Project Earned Value Version Measures are for versions of Earned Value based on bottom up time phased budget versions. These measures must be used when comparing different versions of Earned Value. You must select Project Baseline and Project Bottom Up Budget Version while analyzing across versions.

This table shows the measures that are mapped to LN table fields or calculated:

Measure Mapping Note
CPI Earned Value / Actual Cost
Cost Variance Earned Value – Actual Cost
Cumulative Cost Variance Cumulative Cost Variance by Period Non-Additive Measure
Cumulative Earned Value Cumulative Earned Values by period Non-Additive Measure
Cumulative Schedule Variance Cumulative Schedule Variance by Period Non-Additive Measure
Earned Hours Earned Value quantity in time unit (only for labor budgets)
Earned Quantity Earned Value quantity in transaction unit
Earned Value Calculated based on EV method defined on the activity
Earned Value RFC Earned Value in reference currency
SPI Earned Value / Budget
Schedule Variance Earned Value – Budget
deleted 1 if deleted in LN, else 0