Project Baseline

This table shows the LN tables from which fields are retrieved for the dimension:

Table Description
tppss020 Baseline
tppss220 Activity Baseline
tppss200 Activities

This table shows the attribute mapping to LN table fields for the dimension:

Attribute Mapping
Activity Actual Finish Date tppss200.afdt
Activity Actual Start Date tppss200.asdt
Activity Scheduled Finish Date tppss200.sfdt
Activity Scheduled Start Date tppss200.ssdt
Baseline Approval Date tppss020.apdt
Baseline Creation Date tppss020.crdt
Baseline Finish Date tppss220.bfdt
Baseline ID tppss220.basn
Baseline Start Date tppss220.bsdt
Baseline Status Filter tppss020.bsta
Baseline Status Sort tppss020.bsta
Company tppss020.compnr
Financial Company Desc tcemm170.desc
Latest Baseline 1 if active, else 0
Plan tppss220.actv_cpla
Plan Desc tppss020.dsca
Project tppss220.cprj
Project Activity tppss220.cact
Project Activity Desc tppss200.desc
Project Baseline tppss220.basn
Project Baseline Company Desc tcemm170.desc
Project Baseline Desc tppss020.desc
Project Baseline ID Desc tppss220.basn + tppss020.desc
Project Baseline Status tppss020.bsta
Project Desc tppdm600.dsca
Unknown 1 for null records, else 0
deleted 1 if deleted in LN, else 0
Customer Defined Fields Standard list of fields