Sales Schedule Line

When a record is deleted in LN, a record with deleted = 1 is stored in the dimension. Records are not removed from the dimension. Sales schedule lines with the statuses Canceling in Process, Canceled, Replacing in Process, and Replaced are stored in the fact table but are always hidden and not available for analysis.

This table shows the table from which fields are retrieved for the dimension:

Table Description
tcmcs013 Payment Terms
tcmcs031 Lines of Business
tcmcs041 Terms of Delivery
tcmcs045 Areas
tdsls307 Sales Schedule Lines
tdsls311 Sales Schedules

This table shows the attribute mapping for the dimension:

Attribute Mapping
Area tdsls311.creg
Area Desc tcmcs045.dsca
Company tdsls307.compnr
Confirmation Date tdsls307.cfdt
Customer Contract Reference tdsls311.ccrf
Customer Item tdsls311.citm
Customer Order tdsls311.corn
Delivery Terms tdsls307.cdec
Delivery Terms Desc tcmcs041.dsca
Effectivity Unit tdsls307.effn
End Date tdsls307.edat
Engineering Item Revision tdsls307.revi
Goods Flow tdsls307.dest
Goods Flow Filter tdsls307.dest
Goods Flow Sort tdsls307.dest
Last Delivery Date tdsls307.ddta
Last Invoice Date tdsls307.invd
Line of Business tdsls311.cbrn
Line of Business Desc tcmcs031.dsca
Lot tdsls307.clot
New Customer 1 if no sales schedule lines exist for the Sold-to BP (tdsls307.ofbp) in the quarter before the Start Date (tdsls307.sdat).

Else, 0.

New Item 1 if no sales schedule lines exist for the Item (tdsls307.item) in the quarter before the Start Date (tdsls307.sdat).

Else, 0.

Order Date tdsls307.odat
Order Discount tdsls311.odis
Origin tdsls311.corg
Origin Filter tdsls311.corg
Origin Sort tdsls311.corg
Payment Terms tdsls311.cpay
Payment Terms Desc tcmcs013.dsca
Planned Receipt Date tdsls307.prdt
Put on Hold tdsls307.hold
Put on Hold Filter tdsls307.hold
Put on Hold Sort tdsls307.hold
Reason for Termination tdsls311.strc
Reason for Termination Desc tcmcs005.dsca
Requirement Type tdsls307.rtyp
Requirement Type Filter tdsls307.rtyp
Requirement Type Sort tdsls307.rtyp
Sales Schedule Line Status tdsls307.stat
Sales Schedule Line Status Filter tdsls307.stat
Sales Schedule Line Status Sort tdsls307.stat
Sales Schedule Status tdsls311.stat
Sales Schedule Status Filter tdsls311.stat
Sales Schedule Status Sort tdsls311.stat
Sales Type tdsls307.styp
Sales Type Desc tcmcs202.desc
Schedule tdsls307.schn
Schedule Position tdsls307.spon
Schedule Revision tdsls307.revn
Schedule Type tdsls307.sctp
Schedule Type Filter tdsls307.sctp
Schedule Type Sort tdsls307.sctp
Shipment / Receipt Based Filter tdsls311.sodb
Shipment / Receipt Based Sort tdsls311.sodb
Shipment Date Variance in Hours Last Delivery Date - Start Date (tdsls307.ddta - tdsls307.sdat)
Shipment Receipt Based tdsls311.sodb
Start Date tdsls307.sdat
Time Unit tdsls307.tiun
Time Unit Filter tdsls307.tiun
Time Unit Sort tdsls307.tiun
deleted 1 if tdsls307 is deleted in LN, else 0
Customer Defined Fields Standard list of fields