Purchase Order Line Detail
This table shows the tables from which fields are retrieved for the dimension:
Table | Description |
tclct020 | Landed Costs Classification |
tcmcs005 | Reasons |
tcmcs013 | Payment Terms |
tcmcs031 | Lines of Business |
tcmcs041 | Terms of Delivery |
tcmcs045 | Areas |
tdpur094 | Purchase Order Types |
tdpur400 | Purchase Orders |
tdpur401 | Purchase Order Lines |
This table shows the attribute mapping for the dimension:
Attribute | Mapping |
Approved | tdpur401.appr |
Approved Filter | tdpur401.appr |
Approved Sort | tdpur401.appr |
Area | tdpur400.creg |
Area Desc | tcmcs045.dsca |
Confirmed | 1 if Order Confirmation Date tdpur401.ddtf <> 0, else 0 |
Contract Ignored | tdpur401.cnig |
Contract Ignored Filter | tdpur401.cnig |
Contract Ignored Sort | tdpur401.cnig |
Contract Linked | 1 if Contract tdpur401.cono <> '', else 0 |
Delivery Terms | tdpur401.cdec |
Delivery Terms Desc | tcmcs041.dsca |
Effectivity Unit | tdpur401.effn |
Engineering Item Revision | tdpur401.revi |
Final Receipt | tdpur401.fire |
Final Receipt Filter | tdpur401.fire |
Final Receipt Sort | tdpur401.fire |
Invoice by Stage Payments | tdpur401.issp |
Invoice by Stage Payments Filte | tdpur401.issp |
Invoice by Stage Payments Sort | tdpur401.issp |
Invoicing Status | tdpur401.stsd |
Invoicing Status Filter | tdpur401.stsd |
Invoicing Status Sort | tdpur401.stsd |
Landed Costs Classification | tdpur401.lccl |
Landed Costs Classification Desc | tclct020.dsca |
Line of Business | tdpur400.cbrn |
Line of Business Desc | tcmcs031.dsca |
Lot | tdpur401.clot |
New Item Purchase | 1, if no purchase order lines exist for the Item (tdpur401.item)
in the year before the Actual Receipt Date (tdpur401.ddte) or if not received, the
Current Planned Receipt Date (tdpur401.ddtb). Else, 0. |
New Supplier Purchase | 1, if no purchase order lines exist for the Buy-from BP
(tdpur400.otbp) in the quarter before the Actual Receipt Date (tdpur401.ddte) or if
not received, the Current Planned Receipt Date (tdpur401.ddtb). Else, 0. |
Order Line Type | tdpur401.oltp |
Order Line Type Filter | tdpur401.oltp |
Order Line Type Sort | tdpur401.oltp |
Origin | tdpur401.corg |
Origin Filter | tdpur401.corg |
Origin Sort | tdpur401.corg |
Original Document Type | tdpur400.odty |
Original Document Type Filter | tdpur400.odty |
Original Document Type Sort | tdpur400.odty |
Payment | tdpur401.pmnt |
Payment Filter | tdpur401.pmnt |
Payment Sort | tdpur401.pmnt |
Payment Terms | tdpur401.cpay |
Payment Terms Desc | tcmcs013.dsca |
Price Origin | tdpur401.porg |
Price Origin Filter | tdpur401.porg |
Price Origin Sort | tdpur401.porg |
Purchase Order Line Status | Return, if Ordered
Quantity < 0 or Net Amount < 0. Invoice Only, if Ordered Quantity = 0 and Net Amount >= 0. If Ordered Quantity > 0:
Note: Ordered Quantity = tdpur401.qoor but if Back Order Quantity to be
Confirmed (tdpur401.qbbc) = 0 then Ordered Quantity = tdpur401.qoor –
Purchase Order Status | tdpur400.hdst |
Purchase Order Status Filter | tdpur400.hdst |
Purchase Order Status Sort | tdpur400.hdst |
Purchase Order Type | tdpur400.cotp |
Purchase Order Type Desc | tdpur094.dsca |
Reason for Rejection | tdpur401.crej |
Reason for Rejection Desc | tcmcs005.dsca |
Return | 1 if Purchase Order Line Status = Return, else 0 |
Return Reason | tdpur400.retr |
Return Reason Desc | tcmcs005.dsca |
Self Billing | tdpur401.sbim |
Self-Billing Filter | tdpur401.sbim |
Self-Billing Sort | tdpur401.sbim |
Single Source Vendor | 0 - Item was purchased from another supplier, looking back until
start of previous quarter. 1 - Item was only purchased from same supplier, looking back until start of previous quarter. Quarter is default, choice is Year, Quarter, or Month. |
Subcontracted | tdpur401.subc |
Subcontracted Filter | tdpur401.subc |
Subcontracted Sort | tdpur401.subc |