Intermediate Consignee

This table shows the tables from which fields are retrieved for the dimension:

Table Description
tccom100 Business Partners
tccom130 Addresses
tccom139 Cities by Country
tccom161 Intermediate Consignees
tcemm050 Sites
tcemm100 Time Zones
tcmcs003 Warehouses
tcmcs010 Countries
tcmcs143 States/Provinces

This table shows the attribute mapping for the dimension:

Attribute Mapping
City tccom130.ccit
City Desc tccom139.dsca
Company Logical company of tccom161
Country tccom130.ccty
Country Desc tcmcs010.dsca
EU Member State tcmcs010.meec
EU Member State Filter tcmcs010.meec
EU Member State Sort tcmcs010.meec
GPS Latitude tccom130.glat
GPS Location Geo attribute combining GPS Latitude and GPS Longitude. Includes tooltip with Intermediate Consignee Name.
GPS Longitude tccom130.glon
Intermediate Consignee tccom161.imcs
Intermediate Consignee Desc tccom161.desc
Intermediate Consignee ID Desc tccom161.imcs + tccom161.desc
ISO Country Code Alpha-2 tcmcs010.ict2
Ship-from Warehouse tccom161.cwar
Ship from Warehouse Desc tcmcs003.dsca
Ship-to BP tccom161.stbp
Ship to BP Name tccom100.nama
Site Desc tcemm050.desc
Sold-to BP tccom161.ofbp
Sold to BP Name tccom100.nama
State/Province tccom130.cste
State Province Desc tcmcs143.dsca
Time Zone tcemm100.timz
Time Zone Code tccom130.tzid
Time Zone Desc tcemm100.dsca
Unknown 1 for null records, else 0
deleted 1 if deleted in LN, else 0
Customer Defined Fields Standard list of fields

Address fields are included for tccom161.cadr.