Service Contract Revenue Detail
This table shows the table from which fields are retrieved for the dimension:
Table | Description |
tsctm400 | Contract Installments |
tsctm450 | Estimated Contract Revenues per Period |
tsctm460 | Contract Revenues |
This table shows the attribute mapping for the dimension:
Attribute | Mapping |
Confirm Date | tsctm460.cmdt |
Confirmed by User | tsctm460.cmur |
Covered Days | tsctm450.esrv |
Creation Date | tsctm460.crdt |
Effective Date | tsctm400.efdt |
Expiry Date | tsctm400.exdt |
Financial Company | tsctm400.icmp |
Installment Number | tsctm400.inst |
Installment Type | tsctm400.isst |
Installment Type Filter | tsctm400.isst |
Installment Type Sort | tsctm400.isst |
Invoice Date | tsctm400.indt |
Invoice Number | tsctm400.idoc |
Number of Days | tsctm450.nody |
Number of Days Recognized | tsctm460.ndrc |
Number of Periods for Financial Spreading | tsctm400.nrpf |
Planned Invoice Date | tsctm400.pidt |
Posting Date | tsctm400.prdt |
Recognition Date | tsctm460.rcdt |
Recognized by User | tsctm460.rcur |
Revenue Line | tsctm460.seqn |
Revenue Type | Service Contract Estimated Revenue for tsctm450. Service Contract Installment Revenue for tsctm400. Service Contract Revenue for tsctm460. |
Service Contract Revenue Desc | tsctm400.desc |
Service Contract Revenue Source | tsctm400 tsctm450 tsctm460 |
Start Date | tsctm400.istd |
Status | tsctm460.stat or tsctm400.stin |
Status Filter | tsctm460.stat or tsctm400.stin |
Status Sort | tsctm460.stat or tsctm400.stin |
Term | tsctm400.term |
Transaction Type | tsctm400.ityp |