Work Center
This table shows the tables from which fields are retrieved for the dimension:
Table | Description |
tccom001 | Employee |
tccom130 | Addresses |
tccom139 | Cities by Country |
tcemm030 | Enterprise Units |
tcemm050 | Site |
tcemm100 | Time Zones |
tcemm170 | Company |
tcmcs003 | Warehouse |
tcmcs010 | Countries |
tcmcs065 | Department |
tcmcs143 | States/Provinces |
tirou001 | Work Center |
This table shows the attribute mapping for the dimension:
Attribute | Mapping |
Available Labor Resources | tirou001.noop (aka Number of Operators) |
Basic Day Capacity | tirou001.dcru |
Basic Week Capacity | tirou001.wcru |
City | tccom130.ccit |
City Desc | tccom139.dsca |
Company | Logical company of tirou001 |
Constraint Time Fence | tirou001.crtf |
Constraint Type | tirou001.crty |
Constraint Type Filter | tirou001.crty |
Constraint Type Sort | tirou001.crty |
Costing Work Center | tirou001.ctwc |
Costing Work Center Desc | tcmcs065.desc |
Country | tccom130.ccty |
Country Desc | tcmcs010.dsca |
Critical Capacity for Planning | tirou001.ccap |
Critical Capacity for Planning Filter | tirou001.ccap |
Critical Capacity for Planning Sort | tirou001.ccap |
Critical in Planning | tirou001.crmp |
Critical in Planning Filter | tirou001.crmp |
Critical in Planning Sort | tirou001.crmp |
Default Labor Resource | tirou001.bfem (aka Backflush Employee) |
Default Labor Resource Name | tccom001.nama (Backflush Employee Name) |
Desired Queue | tirou001.dque |
Enterprise Unit | tcemm030.eunt |
Enterprise Unit Desc | tcemm030.dsca |
EU Member State | tcmcs010.meec |
EU Member State Filter | tcmcs010.meec |
EU Member State Sort | tcmcs010.meec |
Financial Company | tcmcs065.comp |
Financial Company Desc | tcemm170.desc |
GPS Latitude | tccom130.glat |
GPS Location | Geo attribute combining GPS Latitude and GPS Longitude. Includes tooltip with Work Center Desc |
GPS Longitude | tccom130.glon |
ISO Country Code Alpha-2 | tcmcs010.ict2 |
Logistic Company | tcemm030.lcmp |
Logistic Company Desc | tcemm170.desc |
Manager | tcmcs065.emno |
Manager Name | tccom001.nama |
Move Time | tirou001.mvtm |
Number of Machines | tirou001.nomc |
Parent Work Center | tirou001.mnwc |
Parent Work Center Desc | tcmcs065.desc |
PCS Rough Capacity | tirou001.upcs |
PCS Rough Capacity Filter | tirou001.upcs |
PCS Rough Capacity Sort | tirou001.upcs |
Primary Company | tirou001.swcc |
Primary Company Desc | tcemm170.desc |
Production Department | tirou001.pddp |
Production Department Desc | tcmcs065.desc |
Queue Time | tirou001.qutm |
Shared Type | tirou001.swct |
Shared Type Filter | tirou001.swct |
Shared Type Sort | tirou001.swct |
Shop Floor Warehouse | tirou001.wipw |
Shop Floor Warehouse Desc | tcmcs003.dsca |
Site | |
Site Desc | tcemm050.desc |
State/Province | tccom130.cste |
State Province Desc | tcmcs143.dsca |
Subcontractor Independent | tirou001.scid |
Subcontractor Independent Filter | tirou001.scid |
Subcontractor Independent Sort | tirou001.scid |
Time Unit | tirou001.tuni |
Time Unit Filter | tirou001.tuni |
Time Unit Sort | tirou001.tuni |
Time Zone | tcemm100.timz |
Time Zone Code | tccom130.tzid |
Time Zone Desc | tcemm100.dsca |
Unknown | 1 for null records, else 0 |
Use as Calculation Office | tirou001.usco |
Use as Calculation Office Filter | tirou001.usco |
Use as Calculation Office Sort | tirou001.usco |
Wait Time | tirou001.wttm |
Work Center | tirou001.cwoc |
Work Center Desc | tirou001.dsca |
Work Center ID Desc | tirou001.cwoc + tirou001.dsca |
Work Center Type | tirou001.kowc |
Work Center Type Filter | tirou001.kowc |
Work Center Type Sort | tirou001.kowc |
deleted | 1 if deleted in LN, else 0 |
Customer Defined Fields | Standard list of fields |
Address fields are included for tcmcs065.cadr.