Service Warranty
This table shows the table from which fields are retrieved for the dimension:
Table | Description |
tcmcs065 | Departments |
tsctm500 | Generic Warranties |
This table shows the attribute mapping for the dimension:
Attribute | Mapping |
Company | tsctm500.compnr |
Currency | tsctm500.ccur |
Effective Date | tsctm500.efdt |
Expiry Date | tsctm500.exdt |
Period | tsctm500.nrpe |
Period Unit | tsctm500.peru |
Period Unit Filter | tsctm500.peru |
Period Unit Sort | tsctm500.peru |
Service Office | tsctm500.cwoc |
Service Office Desc | tcmcs065.dsca |
Service Warranty | tsctm500.gwte |
Service Warranty Desc | tsctm500.desc |
Service Warranty ID Desc | tsctm500.gwte + tsctm500.desc |
Term | tsctm500.term |
Unknown | 1 for null records, else 0 |
deleted | 1 if deleted in LN, else 0 |
Customer Defined Fields | Standard list of fields |