Calendar Period

This table shows the tables from which fields are retrieved for the dimension:

Table Description
tcccp060 Period Tables
tcccp070 Periods

This table shows the attribute mapping for the dimension:

Attribute Mapping
Calendar Period Desc tcccp060.dsca
Calendar Period ID Desc tcccp070.cpdt + tcccp060.dsca
Company Logical company of tcccp070
End Date tcccp070.endt
Period Desc tcccp070.dsca
Period ID Desc tcccp070.peri + tcccp070.dsca
Period Number tcccp070.peri
Period Table Code tcccp070.cpdt
Start Date tcccp070.stdt
Unknown 1 for null records, else 0
Year tcccp070.yrno
Year Period tcccp070.yrno and tcccp070.peri (format 2000/10)
Year Period Sort tcccp070.yrno and tcccp070.peri (format 2000010)
deleted 1 if deleted in LN, else 0
Customer Defined Fields Standard list of fields