This table shows the tables from which fields are retrieved for the dimension:
Table | Description |
tcibd001 | Items |
tcmcs001 | Units |
tcmcs015 | Product Types |
tcmcs023 | Item Groups |
tcmcs024 | Price Groups |
tcmcs028 | Harmonized System Codes |
tcmcs044 | Statistical Groups |
tcmcs052 | Projects |
tcmcs060 | Manufacturers |
tcmcs061 | Product Lines |
tcmcs062 | Product Classes |
tcmcs145 | Routing Groups |
tdipu001 | Item – Purchase |
tdisa001 | Item Sales |
tiipd001 | Item - Production |
tipcf500 | Product Variant IDs |
tppdm005 | Item Project Data |
tppdm025 | Equipment |
tppdm035 | Subcontracting |
tppdm625 | Project Equipment |
tppdm635 | Project Subcontracting |
This table shows the attribute mapping for the dimension:
Attribute | Mapping |
Company | Logical company of tcibd001 |
Configurable | tcibd001.cnfg |
Configurable Filter | tcibd001.cnfg |
Configurable Sort | tcibd001.cnfg |
Control Code | tppdm005.ccit tppdm025.cceq (item type equipment) tppdm035.ccsb (item type subcontracting) tppdm625.cceq (item type equipment with project) tppdm635.ccsb (item type subcontracting with project) |
Control Code Base | tppdm005.ccit without project segment |
Control Code Desc | tcibd001.desc |
Control Code Filter | '#'+tppdm005.ccit |
Control Code Project | tppdm005.ccit project segment |
Customizable | tcibd001.opol |
Customizable Filter | tcibd001.opol |
Customizable Sort | tcibd001.opol |
Customized | tcibd001.cust |
Customized Filter | tcibd001.cust |
Customized Sort | tcibd001.cust |
Default Supply Source | tcibd001.srce |
Default Supply Source Filter | tcibd001.srce |
Default Supply Source Sort | tcibd001.srce |
Derived-from Item | tcibd001.dfit |
Derived from Item Desc | tcibd001.dsca |
Derived-from Item Filter | '#'+ tcibd001.dfit |
Harmonized System Code | tcibd001.ccde (previously named Commodity Code) |
Harmonized System Code Desc | tcmcs028.dsca |
Inventory Unit | tcibd001.cuni |
Inventory Unit Desc | tcmcs001.dsca |
Inventory Unit ID Desc | tcibd001.cuni + tcmcs001.dsca |
Item | tcibd001.item |
Item Base | tcibb001.item without project segment |
Item Desc | tcibd001.dsca |
Item Filter | '#'+tcibd001.item |
Item Group | tcibd001.citg |
Item Group Desc | tcmcs023.dsca |
Item ID Desc | tcibd001.item + tcibd001.dsca |
Item Type | tcibd001.kitm |
Item Type Filter | tcibd001.kitm |
Item Type Sort | tcibd001.kitm |
Manufacturer | tcibd001.cmnf |
Manufacturer Desc | tcmcs060.dsca |
Material Info | tcibd001.dscb |
Option Set | tcibd001.opts |
Order System | tcibd001.osys |
Order System Filter | tcibd001.osys |
Order System Sort | tcibd001.osys |
Phantom | tiipd001.cpha |
Phantom Filter | tiipd001.cpha |
Phantom Sort | tiipd001.cpha |
Product Class | tcibd001.cpcl |
Product Class Desc | tcmcs062.dsca |
Product Line | tcibd001.cpln |
Product Line Desc | tcmcs061.dsca |
Product Type | tcibd001.ctyp |
Product Type Desc | tcmcs015.dsca |
Product Variant | tcibd001.cpva |
Product Variant Desc | tipcf500.dsca |
Project | tcibd001.cprj |
Project Desc | tcmcs052.dsca |
Project Order System | tppdm005.osys tppdm025.osys (item type equipment) tppdm035.osys (item type subcontracting) tppdm625.osys (item type equipment with project) tppdm635.osys (item type subcontracting with project) |
Project Order System Filter | see Project Order System |
Project Order System Sort | see Project Order System |
Purchase Price Group | tdipu001.cpgp |
Purchase Price Group Desc | tcmcs024.dsca |
Purchase Statistical Group | tdipu001.csgp |
Purchase Statistical Group Desc | tcmcs044.dsca |
Reference Type | tipcf500.reft |
Reference Type Filter | tipcf500.reft |
Reference Type Sort | tipcf500.reft |
Routing Group | tiipd001.rgrp |
Routing Group Desc | tcmcs145.dsca |
Sales Price Group | tdisa001.cpgs |
Sales Price Group Desc | tcmcs024.dsca |
Sales Statistical Group | tdisa001.csgs |
Sales Statistical Group Desc | tcmcs044.dsca |
Size Info | tcibd001.dscc |
Standard Info | tcibd001.dscd |
Standard To Order | tcibd001.stoi |
Standard To Order Filter | tcibd001.stoi |
Standard To Order Sort | tcibd001.stoi |
Subassembly | tcibd001.sayn |
Subassembly Filter | tcibd001.sayn |
Subassembly Sort | tcibd001.sayn |
Unknown | 1 for null records, else 0 |
Weight | tcibd001.wght |
Weight Unit | tcibd001.cwun |
Weight Unit Desc | tcibd001.wpcs |
With PCS | tcibd001.sayn |
With PCS Filter | tcibd001.sayn |
With PCS Sort | tcibd001.sayn |
deleted | 1 if deleted in LN, else 0 |
Customer Defined Fields | Standard list of fields |