Accounts Receivable
This table shows the table from which fields are retrieved for the dimension:
Table | Description |
tcmcs002 | Currencies |
tcmcs010 | Countries |
tcmcs037 | Tax Codes |
tfacr002 | Problem |
tfacr003 | Problem References |
tfacr200 | Open Items (Sales Invoices & Receipts) |
tfgld011 | Transaction Types |
This table shows the attribute mapping for the dimension:
Attribute | Mapping |
Accounts Receivable Document | Transaction Type + Document + Line tfacr200.ttyp + tfacr200.ninv + tfacr200.line |
Advance or Unallocated Receipt | If ACR Document Type = Advance Receipt or Unallocated Receipt, then Amount. Else, 0. |
Clearing Date | Document date of the final receipt or settlement, settling the invoice or credit
notes. If Open Entry = 0, then the document date of the final receipt or settlement, settling the accounts receivable. For all other scenarios, ‘9999-12-31’. |
Company | tfacr200_compnr |
Country for Tax | tfacr200.ccty |
Country for Tax Desc | tcmcs010.dsca |
Credit Collection |
1 if Late, or Reminded, or Disputed, or Written Off, or Advance, or Unallocated Receipt. Else 0. These documents are important for a credit collector, as used in the Collections by Invoice-to Business Partner (tfacr3607m000) session. |
Currency | tfacr200.ccur |
Currency Desc | tcmcs002.dsca |
Days Clearing | Days it took to settle the invoice or credit note. If Open Entry = 0, then DATEDIFF (Day, Clearing Date, Document Date) Else, 0 |
Days Overdue | 0, if the due date is empty. Number of days after the due date for an Open Entry. If no Open Entry is applicable, the number of days between the clearing date and the due date. |
Days Overdue Aging | 99999, if the due date is empty. Number of days after the due date for an Open Entry. If no Open Entry is applicable, the number of days between the clearing date and the due date. |
Disputed | 1 if tfacr200.prob is filled, else 0. |
Document | tfacr200.ninv |
Document Date | tfacr200.docd |
Document Type | tfacr200.trec |
Document Type Filter | tfacr200.trec |
Document Type Sort | tfacr200.trec |
Due Date | tfacr200.dued |
First Discount Amount | First discount amount for a customer. For invoice currency, tfacr200.di1i. For transaction currency, tfacr200.ld1a. Else, tfacr200.di1h. |
First Discount Date | tfacr200.did1 |
Last Receipt Date | Document date of the latest Receipt or Settlement on the invoice or credit note. |
Late | 1 if days Overdue > 0. Else, 0. |
Late Payment Surcharge Amount | Late payment surcharge amount a customer must potentially pay. For invoice currency, tfacr200.lapi. For transaction currency, tfacr200.lapa. Else, tfacr200.laph. |
Late Payment Surcharge Date | tfacr200.lpdt |
Line | tfacr200.line |
Open Entry | 0 if Balance is 0. Else, 1. If (tfacr200.balc - tfacr200.bala > -0.00001) and (tfacr200.balc - tfacr200.bala < 0.00001), then 0. Else, 1. |
Payments by Schedule | tfacr200.pysh |
Payments by Schedule Filter | tfacr200.pysh |
Payments by Schedule Sort | tfacr200.pysh |
Problem | tfacr200.prob |
Problem Date | tfacr200.prop |
Problem Desc | tfacr002.desc |
Problem Reference | tfacr200.pref |
Problem Reference Desc | tfacr003.desc |
Reminded | 1 if tfacr200.lett > 0. Else, 0. |
Reminder Letter | tfacr200.lett |
Sales Type | tfacr200.styp |
Second Discount Amount | Second discount amount for a customer. For invoice currency, tfacr200.di2i. For transaction currency, tfacr200.ld2a. Else, tfacr200.di2h. |
Second Discount Date | tfacr200.did2 |
Source Document | tfacr200.orno |
Tax Code | tfacr200.cvat |
Tax Code Desc | tcmcs037.dsca |
Third Discount Amount | Third discount amount for a customer. For invoice currency, tfacr200.di3i. For transaction currency, tfacr200.ld3a. Else, tfacr200.di3h. |
Third Discount Date | tfacr200.did3 |
Total Open Entry | 0 if Balance Total Open Entry is 0. Else, 1. |
Transaction Category | tfgld011.catg |
Transaction Category Filter | tfgld011.catg |
Transaction Category Sort | tfgld011.catg |
Transaction Type | tfacr200.ttyp |
Transaction Type Desc | tfgld011.desc |
Unassigned | 1 if ACR Document Type is Sales Invoice, or Credit Note, or Advance Receipt, or Unallocated Receipt. Else, 0. |
Unknown | 0 |
Written Off | 1 if Write-Off Status (tfacr200.wros) is Written Off. Else, 0. |
deleted | 1 if deleted in LN, else 0. |
Customer Defined Fields | Standard list of fields. |